Collegeof Arts andSciences
MUSC3453WoodwindMeth. andMat. (1hour)
Total Requirements ..........................................................................129hours
Other Program-SpecificGraduationRequirements
1. Students pursuing the Music Performance concentration must
complete a minimum of 31 credit hours in residence at Clayton
State University, and a minimum of 22 of these hours must be
upper-division hours counted toward program requirements other
than free electives. Students pursuing the Music Education
concentration must complete a minimum of 33 credit hours in
residence at Clayton State, and a minimum of 23 of these hours
must be upper-division hours counted toward program
requirementsother than freeelectives.
2. MUSC 2301 (Introduction to World Music) must be taken as an
elective if not taken inAreaC2 of theCoreCurriculum.
3. Students pursuing the B.M. degree with a concentration in Voice
Performance must complete coursework in French through the
FREN 2002 level. This foreign language requirement may be
fulfilled through courses in the Core Curriculum and Guided
4. No grades of D in upper-division courses are allowed in the
Bachelor of Music degree program. Upper-division courses are all
courses other than those of Areas A through F of the core
curriculum. 1000- or 2000-level courses used in the upper division
are included in this restriction. In addition, no grades of D are
allowed for anyMUSC courseat any level.
5. To graduatewith aB.M. degree, studentsmust demonstrate
proficiency in keyboard skills, in ear training, and in performance
and must attend performances and forums. Students must pass
the Sophomore Barrier (usually at the end of the sophomore year)
in order to enroll in upper division applied music courses and to
continue in theprogram.
6. In consultation with the advisor, studentsmay select music or non-
music courses for Guided Electives, with the exception of courses
identified in the catalog as career or institutional credit courses. A
minimum of 39 hours of 3000/4000-level courses is required for
7. Students pursuing the B.M. degree with a concentration in Music
Education must apply for and be accepted in the Teacher
Educationprogramprior to student teaching.
BACHELOR OF MUSIC (Concentration in Performance) SUGGESTED
In the sequence below, only courses marked with an asterisk (*) are
program requirements. Other courses are recommended selections from
categorieswithin theprogram requirements.
First Semester
Second Semester
MUSC 1011 MusicTheory I
3 MUSC1012* MusicTheory II