catalog-handbook - page 239

Collegeof Arts andSciences
Bachelor of Arts inTheatre
The Theatre program prepares students for careers in the professional
Theatre community and furnishes them with the tools for creating new work,
makinga significant impact onTheatre in our stateand region.
Students who wish tomajor in theatremust audition and interview for members
of the theatre faculty. Information about theatre auditions is available from the
officeof theDepartment of Visual andPerformingArts.
Theatre majors are encouraged to complete a minor in another discipline.
Students should discuss optionswith their advisors, and they should then contact
the department responsible for administering the minor for details on its
1. Recognizeand interpret subjectmatter andhistoryof theatre:major
works, issues,movements.
2. Demonstrate competent communication skills inoneormoreof the
followingareas: creating new theatrework, acting, directing, playwriting.
3. Assess andemploy theatrical concepts indecision-makingand critical
aesthetic judgments.
4. Recognizeand demonstratepractical skills required inprofessional
theatre settings.
Beforebeginningupper-division study inTheatre, applicantsmust
1. Have completed 45 semester credit hours;
2. Haveachieved anoverall institutional GradePoint Average (GPA) of at
least 2.0;
3. Have completedENGL 1101 andTHEA1100withagradeof A, B, C, or
CoreCurriculum (AreasA-E)............................................................. 42hours
All Theatre Core Curriculum requirements are shown in the suggested
Lower DivisionCoreRequirements (CoreCurriculumAreaF)..........18hours
F1. THEA 1100 Introduction toTheatre .................................................. 3 hours
F2. THEA 1880 Introduction toActing..................................................... 3 hours
THEA 1990PlayDevelopment......................................................... 3 hours
THEA 2900Directing ....................................................................... 3 hours
And 6hours from:
F3. THEA 1700 Introduction toTheatreDesign....................................... 3 hours
THEA 2100Stagecraft ........................................................................... 3 hours
THEA 2990 IntermediatePlayDevelopment .................................. 3-6hours
Upper DivisionRequiredCourses…………Select 18hours
THEA 3800Playwriting........................................................................... 3 hours
THEA 3880Acting II ............................................................................... 3 hours
THEA 3991AdvancedPlayProduction ............................................….3-6hours
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