catalog-handbook - page 213

Collegeof Arts andSciences
these students to add additional teaching areas which will give them more
marketingpower when searching for jobs.
Theminor will also be available to students in other degree programs as well.
Students from diverse programs such as English, psychology, and sociology will
benefit from the opportunity to take the classes. At least one class in each track
will beoffered each semester. Becauseof thediversegroupof studentswhowill
take the classes, there will not be significant impact on the course offerings of
any singledegreeprogram.
The courses do not follow a sequence, so students may take the classes in
any order. Education majors who are seeking an endorsement or additional
certificationwill beguided in the course selectionprocess.
Any undergraduate student may choose this minor. Students will declare the
minor through the Duck. If education students wish to take the classes for an
endorsement or additional certification, they must complete an application, the
Intent to Seek an Endorsement form and submit it to theDepartment of Teacher
Educationbefore theywill beallowed to takeupper division coursework.
Select five courses from the following (15hours):
EDUC2110 InvestigatingCritical/Contemporary Issues .................... 3 hours
EDUC2120ExploringSocio-Culture ................................................ 3 hours
EDUC2130ExploringLearningandTeaching.................................. 3 hours
EDUC3020 Instructional Technology for Teachers .......................... 3 hours
EDUC3030Exploring theExceptional Learner................................. 3 hours
EDUC 3032 Characteristics and Instructional Strategies for
StudentswithExceptionalities................................................................. 3 hours
EDUC 3033 Individual &ClassroomManagement for Students with
Exceptionalities ...................................................................................... 3 hours
EDUC3034Educational Evaluationof Exceptional Students............. 3 hours
EDUC 3035 Curriculum & Instruction for Teaching Students with
MildDisabilities....................................................................................... 3 hours
EDUC 3036 Introduction to Materials and Methods in Reading
Instruction .............................................................................................. 3 hours
EDUC 3037 Practicum: Special Education General Curriculum:
Consultative ........................................................................................... 3 hours
EDUC 3040 Principles and Strategies for Teaching English
LanguageLearners ................................................................................ 3 hours
EDUC 4050 Cultural Perspectives for Teachers of English
LanguageLearners ................................................................................ 3 hours
EDUC 4060 Applied Linguistics for Teachers of English Language
Learners................................................................................................. 3 hours
EDUC4701Characteristics of Multicultural Gifted Learners .............. 3 hours
EDUC4702 IdentificationandAssessment of Gifted Learners........... 3 hours
EDUC4703Curriculum andStrategies forGifted Learners ............... 3 hours
EDUC4704ProgramDevelopment ForGifted Learners ................... 3 hours
EDUC4700GiftedClinical Practice Internship.................................. 3 hours
EDUC4800Special Topics inEducation .......................................... 3 hours
Thisminor consistsof
semester credit hours.
Thisminor does not, in itself, lead to certification. Studentsmust be
enrolled inan educationprogram toobtain a teaching certificate.
All coursesmust be completedwithagradeof Cor better.
At least twoupper division (3000/4000 level) coursesmust be
completed at ClaytonStateUniversity to fulfill residency requirements.
Courses used to fulfill areaA-E in core curriculum cannot beapplied to
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