Collegeof Arts andSciences
6. Applicants selected for admission during each admission cycle will be
notified in writing. The admission notice will indicate a date by which the
individual must formally accept or decline admission; those who fail to
respondwithin theallotted timewill have their admission offers revoked, and
their spaces will be allotted to other eligible applicants. Candidates admitted
into the B.A. program will be assigned to an advisor in education for the
junior and senior years.
7. Amaximum of 21 semester hours of upper division transfer credit may be
applied to the B.A. in middle level teacher education at Clayton State
University. The following coursesmust be taken at ClaytonStateUniversity:
LART 3010, MATH 3010, SCI 3110, HIST 3110, EDUC 3000, 3001, 3010,
3020, 3100, 3350, 4001, 4002, 4710, 4712, and 4720. The Department of
Teacher Education will evaluate equivalencies for other courses in the
MiddleGradesEducation program. Every effort will bemade to accept credit
that is reasonably equivalent toClayton StateUniversity courses. However,
theUniversity reserves the right to request additional documentation and/or
to require specific site-based experiences or directed readings to validate
credit and/or tomeet certification requirements. Applicantswill benotified in
writing of such requirements.
Provisional admission may be granted to students with no more than three
core (Areas A-F) courses left to complete, students who have not successfully
completed theWriting Assessment, and/or students who have not successfully
completed the oral interview. Students granted provisional admission will have
one academic year to complete all outstanding course requirements and one
semester to completeallWritingAssessment and/or interview requirements.
Students who fail to maintain admission criteria after receiving written
notification of program acceptance will have their admission revoked. Upon
written request, such students will be reconsidered when they again meet the
eligibility criteria and provide the following: a current background check, proof of
SGAE or PAGE membership, evidence of liability insurance, and a signed
acknowledgement ofGaPSCCodeof Ethics for Educators.
Teacher Education programs place high emphasis on the ability of graduates to
communicate effectively. Accordingly, these skills are assessed and monitored
throughout the programs, and academic support is provided. As stipulated in the
Application and Admission Eligibility Standards section, the writing of all Middle
Grades Education program applicants is assessed using the Clayton State
University English Department’s First Year Writing ProgramRubric. Candidates
have two opportunities to take the assessment in an effort to score the
prerequisite 80% (with no area score lower than a 2) for their senior practicum,
either through the TEWA at the Clayton State University Testing Center or
through their writing in LART 3010. The first opportunity to reach the prerequisite
is during themandatory TEWA completed at theClaytonStateUniversity Testing
Center prior to admission to the Middle Grades Program. Candidates’ second
opportunity to meet the TEWA requirement is through writing assignments in
LART 3010 during the first semester of enrollment. If a candidate’s writing profile
in LART 3010 meets the required score, the candidate has fulfilled the writing
requirement. Candidates who do not score 80% through either venue have the
opportunity to seek assistance at Clayton State University’s Writers’ Studio
before retaking theTEWA at theTestingCenter.