Collegeof Arts andSciences
11. Submission of a one-page essay on why the applicant wants to be a
12. Submission of a background check dated no more than 30 days prior to
application submission.
13. Attendanceat a personal interview conducted by theDepartment of Teacher
In order for a student to be eligible to begin and continue taking upper-
divisionTeacher Education course
the following requirementsmust bemet:
1. Written notification of program acceptance. (Meeting minimum admission
standardsdoes not guaranteeacceptance.)
2. MiddleGradesEducationCandidateswho select a teaching concentration in
mathematics,must earn a gradeof “C” or better inMATH1113 (precalculus)
and MATH 1231 (statistics) before declaring mathematics as a first or
second teaching concentration. Passage of both MATH 1111 and MATH
1112A with a grade of “C” or better will be accepted as a substitute for
3. Minimum competence in microcomputer applications as required by the
ClaytonStateNotebookComputer Policy (refer topolicy in thisClaytonState
4. Signing of an affidavit to show compliance with Professional Standards
Commission Standard II.A. (G10): "The education unit/program shall provide
information to each candidate about professional ethical standards,
background check, and clearance for certification and employment; and
ensure that candidates admitted to the program are persons whose social
and ethical behavior is acceptable as an educator." The affidavit form is
provided upon formal notification of admission to theB.A. program. Teacher
candidates must provide evidence of liability insurance and successful
background check clearance prior to participation in specific field-based or
clinical experiences.
1. Applicants who meet the criteria explained above should submit a teacher
education application form and supporting documentation to the Clayton
State University Department of Teacher Education. (Application forms are
available from theDepartment of Teacher Education.)
2. The application deadline for Teacher Education programs is posted in the
Department of Teacher Education. (The deadline period is called an
admission cycle.)
3. All complete and eligible applications received by the published deadlines
will be considered for the available positions in the programs for the
appropriate semester. Complete applications must include
documentation. The date that an application is completed is not a factor in
theadmission decision process for applications received by thedeadline.
4. Applicants not admitted during a given admission cycle and individuals who
fall below minimum standards after notification of admission may, upon
written request to the Department of Teacher Education, have their
applications reconsidered during the next admission cycle. Reconsideration
is not automatic; written request is required, and additional informationmay
be submitted.
5. Applicants may submit their applications for Fall Semester admission by or
before the last Friday in May. Any applications received after the May
deadline will be placed on a waiting list in the event a slot in the program