catalog-handbook - page 116

4. Students who do not fulfill the legislative requirement for the study of
Georgia and U. S. history and constitution by courses in Area Emust meet
the requirement byexaminationor other coursework.
5. Transfer students may be required to provide official course descriptions,
syllabi, or other documentation of course content to facilitate determination
of equivalency.
Each graduate must complete all curriculum and related requirements for
one specificmajor as listed in the appropriate section of the catalog. In addition
to courses, graduation requirements may include GPA minimums, experiential
learning, residency regulations, assessments, examinations, remedial work, or
other requirements as explained in the catalog or official program handbooks.
Unless otherwise stated, all upper division courses in baccalaureate degree
programs requireaminimum gradeof
Total HoursRequirement
The student must have earned the total number of semester credit hours
specified for his or hermajor. Theminimum is 60 hours for theassociatedegree
and 120hours for thebaccalaureatedegree; someprograms requiremorehours.
GradePoint Average
The studentmust achievean institutional GPAof at least 2.00 in the courses
used to meet degree requirements. A student must be in good academic
standingat the timeof graduation. Someprogramsmay requireahigherGPA.
GradeRequirements for SpecificCourses
The student must have a grade of
or better (or
) in ENGL 1101 and
ENGL 1102 in
order to graduate. In addition, the student must also meet any
minimum grade requirements for the student's major including grade
requirements embedded in prerequisites. Upper-level courses (3000 and 4000
level courses) require grades of
or higher unless specifically indicated in the
requirementsof individual degreeprograms.
Residency refers to courses (including online courses) offered by Clayton
State University. Transfer courses (including correspondence courses, on-line
courses, transient courses, or cross-registration courses) are not considered to
be in residence. Credit by examination or experience is not considered to be in
residence even if the examination was taken at Clayton State. (In this context,
“residence” has nothing to do with a student’s residence for fee payment
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