1. During each semester of enrollment, studentsmust first register for all
required LearningSupport courses before registering for other courses
(if allowed). Studentsmust earn satisfactory grades in the courses. This
policyapplies toboth full- andpart-timestudents..
2. Studentswhoare required to takeLearningSupport coursesare limited
to enrolling innomore than 13 credit hourseach semester until they
successfully completeall required LearningSupport courses.
3. Studentsare required to sign anAcademicSuccessContract andwill
be required to attend a specified number of workshops, advising
sessions, and tutoring/studyinghours in theCenter for Academic
4. Students required toenroll in LearningSupport coursesareadvised by
professional academicadvisors in theCenter for AcademicSuccess.
5. Studentswho successfully complete (exit) all LearningSupport courses
can schedulegraduation-applicable courses during thenext semester of
enrollment. Somestudentsmay beallowed to schedule some
graduation-applicable courseswhilealso takingLearningSupport
6. Studentswhoare required to takeREAD0099must exit the reading
area before they enroll inany courses in theCoreCurriculum (AreasA-
F). Studentswhoare required to takeLearningSupportmathand/or
Englishare restricted frommanybut not all CoreCurriculumcourses.
7. Studentswhoare required to takeLearningSupport coursesmust
completeall required LearningSupport content areas (English,
mathematics, reading) before they earn 30 semester hours of
graduation-applicable credit. Studentswhohavenot done soby that
pointmayonlyenroll in LearningSupport courses until they exit
8. Students required to takeLearningSupport coursesmaynot dropor
withdraw from LearningSupport courseswhilealso remaining inany
coursenumbered 1000or higher.
LearningSupport Attempts
Students who are required to take Learning Support courses have a limited
number of attempts to pass and complete Learning Support courses. An
“attempt” in Learning Support courses is any course enrollment that results in a
grade other than
. (For purposes of this policy, an
is considered an
LearningSupport Probation
Students required to take any Learning Support courses will be placed on
Learning Support Probation if they fail the course the first time they take it.
Students on LearningSupport Probationmay be required toattendworkshops or
meet regularlywithprofessional or peer tutors.
LearningSupport Suspension
Students who begin in MATH 0097 and do not exit this course in two
attempts will be suspended from the University. After at least one semester of
Learning Support Suspension, students who have successfully completed the
Academic Success Contract during each semester of enrollment and who have
strengthened theirmath skills through othermeansmay appeal for oneadditional
attempt to takeMATH0097.