catalog-handbook - page 115

Completion of MATH 1112A or 3 credits of MATH 1112 in Area A satisfies
the pre-calculus requirement for certain majors as long as MATH 1111 has
been completedwithagradeof Cor better.
The sum of credits taken in areasBandDmust total 15 credits. Thismeans
that students takingmore than 7 credits in areaD1 (e.g., sciencemajors) need
to takeonlyone credit in areaB2.
Associateof Arts andAssociateof ScienceCore
CoreCurriculum (AreasA - E)
All Core Curriculum requirements are shown in the suggested
Lower DivisionCoreRequirements (CoreCurriculumAreaF)
Associate Degree Concentration is determined by the course
work in Area F in accordance with the student’s major
Bachelor of AppliesScienceCoreCurriculum
Career associate degrees include 12-21 semester credit hours of general
educationwork that is equivalent toAreasA-E courses in theCoreCurriculum of
the University System of Georgia. (Some career programs, especially those at
UniversitySystem two-year colleges, containmore than 21 such hours.) Clayton
Statewill accept AreasA-Eequivalent hours from transferring students and apply
them to theB.A.S. according toUniversity System guidelines even if the courses
do notmatch those in theClaytonState core for native students. A typical B.A.S.
student transferring toClaytonStatewill take12-21 hoursof general education at
the associate-degree-granting institution and an additional 21-30 hours at
Clayton State. Additionally, transfer of Area A-E is subject to the following
1. After hours from the career associate degree and other previous
college-level work areapplied toAreasA-E, B.A.S. studentswill beexpected
to complete all remaining elements of Areas A-E in order to total 42
semester credit hours. The 42 hoursmust include two English composition
courses (with a
or better in ENGL 1101), Mathematics Modeling (or
higher), and a seven-hour science sequence with laboratory. Once a
student has been admitted to Clayton State, hours taken to complete the
Core must be in accordance with the Clayton State University Core
2. Courses that are not core-curriculum equivalent (e.g., Citizenship, Business
English, and math lower than Mathematical Modeling or College Algebra)
count towardAreasA-E.
3. In some cases, courses transferred are eligible for inclusion either in the
career courses for the associate degree or in Areas A-E of the Core
Curriculum. When a student is admitted to theB.A.S. program, the courses
are applied as ismost appropriate to his or her program of study. Students
should be aware that a course cannot be counted in two places (e.g.,
Introduction toGeneral Psychologymight be eligible in either Area E or as a
career course, but it canbe counted inonlyoneplace.)
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