catalog-handbook - page 53

Student Resources andServices
ADAAppeals andGrievances
TheAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct (ADA) provides that noqualified
individual with adisabilitybedenied access toor participation in services,
programs, andactivities of apublic entity. ClaytonStateUniversity strives to
maintain thehighest standardsof integrityand fairness in itspolicyand
nondiscriminationon thebasis of disability. TheUniversityhas adopted an
internal grievanceprocedureproviding for theprompt andequitable resolution of
complaintsalleginganyactionprohibited by theADA andSection 504 of the
RehabilitationAct of 1973. Students, faculty, staff, and applicantswhobelieve
they havebeen discriminated against on thebasisof disability byClaytonState
Universitymay file complaintspursuant to the followingprocedures.
Contact Person for Complaints:
: ClaytonStateUniversity, ADACoordinator,
Dr. ElaineManglitz, 2000ClaytonStateBlvd.,Morrow, GA30260, 678-466-5444.
Procedures forComplaints
A complaint of discriminationon thebasisof disability, including complaints
about thedenial by theUniversity of requested accommodations, shouldbe filed
inwritingwith theADACoordinator within30 calendar daysof theallegedly
discriminatory act. A complaint shall contain thenameandaddress of theperson
filing it and abrief descriptionof thealleged violation. If the complainant needs
an accommodation in order to file the complaint, s/he should inform theADA
An investigation, asmay beappropriate, shall follow the filingof a complaint.
TheADACoordinator will conduct the investigation. These rules contemplate
informal, but thorough, investigations, affordingall interested persons an
opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.
Awritten determination as to the validityof the complaint anda description
of the resolution, if any, shall be issued by theADACoordinator and a copy
forwarded to the complainant no later than 30 calendar daysafter filing.
TheADACoordinator shallmaintain the files and records for ClaytonState
University relating to the complaints filed.
The complainantmay request a reconsiderationof the case if s/he is
dissatisfiedwith the resolution. The request for reconsideration shouldbemade
within10 calendar days to theADACoordinator.
The right of aperson toaprompt andequitable resolutionof the complaint
filed hereunder shall not be impaired by theperson'spursuit of other remedies,
suchas the filing of anADAComplaint with the responsibleFederal department
or agency. Useof thisgrievanceprocedure is not aprerequisite to thepursuit of
other remedies.
These rules shall be constructed soas toprotect the substantive rightsof
interested persons, tomeet appropriatedueprocess standards, and toassure
that ClaytonStateUniversity complieswith theADA and the implementing
Other Procedures
Theprocedures provided herein are inaddition to, andnot in lieu of, any
other procedures or remedies availableunder the lawor otherwise.
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