CSU 1022 - UniversityFoundations (2-0-2)
University Foundations helps new students make a successful transition to Clayton
State University and prepares them to meet the challenges of higher level learning
and the demands of their chosen field. The course connects students and faculty who
share a common interest by building a community of learners committed to achieving
excellence. University Foundations refines academic goals, encourages a greater
sense of personal responsibility, creates intentional learners, and provides the
information and support that students need to earn a college degree. This discussion-
based seminar helps students to learn how to improve their basic skills in areas such
as written communication, oral communication and critical thinking. (Institutional credit
only; counts inGPA)
CSU 2500 - Essentials of Peer Tutoring (1-2-2)
A training program and practicum in one-on-one tutoring of students taking remedial
and college-level courses. Readings, workshops, video instruction, and systematic
supervision will address goal-setting, active listening, study skills, effective
communication, and critical thinking, with the goal of helping tutored students become
independent learners. Course follows guidelines set by the International Tutor
Certification Program established by the College Reading and Learning Association.
Enrollment is contingent on recommendation of faculty member and approval of
referring department. Students must have at least an A or B average in the subject
theywish to tutor.
WBIT 1100 - Introduction to Information Technology (3-0-3)
This course is an introductory course in information technology. Topics include
foundations in hardware, software, data and an overview of the use of information
technology in organizations. Topics include structured programming techniques,
systems development, database design and networking, with an emphasis on
appropriatebusiness ethics, interpersonal skills and team building.
Prerequisites: none.
WBIT 1310 - Programming andProblemSolving I (3-0-3)
This course helps students to develop basic problem-solving skills using the Java
programming language. Students are introduced to fundamentals of Java
programming language with emphasis on primitive data types, control structures,
methods, arrays, classes, objects, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism.
Students learn basic techniques of good programming style, design, coding,
debugging, and documentation. Students areable to createprograms tosolve basic
practical problems.
Prerequisites: C or better in anAreaAmathematics course and inWBIT 1100.
WBIT 2000 - TheEnterpriseand InformationTechnology (3-0-3)
This course will look at the structure and management of an information technology
infrastructure. From the management aspect the course will touch on principles and
practices of managing both people and technology to support an organization. The
course will emphasize how tomake an information technology infrastructure effective,
efficient, and productive. Themanagement of hardware, software, data, networks and
other supporting IT functions will be studied.
WBIT 2300 - DiscreteMath for InformationTechnology (3-0-3)
Discrete (as opposed to continuous) mathematics is of direct importance to the fields
of Computer Science and Information Technology. This branch of mathematics
includes studying areas such as set theory, logic, relations, graph theory, and analysis
of algorithms. This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of
these areas and their use in the fields of Computer Science and Information
Prerequisite(s): MATH1113 (C), MATH 1241 (C), MATH 1221 (C), or equivalent.