Campus Review
March 26, 2012
Page 4
MAA Southeastern Conference a Success
by Cathie Aust, Emerita Professor of Mathematics
More than 70 Attend Fourth Annual
Civic Engagement Research Conference
by Joseph Corrado, Political Science
The 91st Annual Meeting of the
Southeastern Section of the Mathematical
Association of America (MAA) was a
complex event. Officers of the
Southeastern Section of the MAA planned
an extensive program of faculty and stu-
dent activities, and Clayton State provided
the site for those activities, offered the
support requested by the organizers, and
provided supporting activities such as the
Executive Dinner, the Conference Dinner,
and a musical program at Spivey Hall.
Pat yourselves on the back, take a bow,
hoist a glass in celebration! Working
together, we were great hosts for the con-
ference. Again and again, Dean Dr. Lila
Roberts, the members of the planning
committee (Dr. Tony Giovannitti, Dr.
Catherine Matos, Dr. Christopher
Raridan, Dr. Anthony Stinson), and other
members of CIMS faculty and staff heard
high praise for every aspect of our plan-
ning and arrangements.
They were impressed by great signage,
complementary rides on a golf carts on a
rainy Friday morning, efficient onsite reg-
istration, convenient placement of ven-
dors and refreshments, the exceptional
quality of the catering services, media and
computer support for speakers, beautiful
decorations at the banquets, an outstand-
ing program at Spivey Hall, the quality of
work by student volunteers, excellent
facilities, a beautiful campus, great hospi-
tality, and the obvious campus-wide sup-
port for our endeavors.
It took all of a very large team to make it
happen, and because of all of your efforts,
we made a very positive impression on
faculty and students from across
Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South
Carlina, and Tennessee. And, oh yes,
many of you had to take time away from
your spring break as well.
As local arrangements coordinator, I
thank you for helping me to provide a
great service to the Southeastern Section
of the MAA and enhance the image of
Clayton State University.
On Friday Mar. 16, Clayton State
University's Civic Engagement Council
and the New York Times sponsored the
Fourth Annual Civic Engagement
Research Conference at the National
Archives at Atlanta.
More than 70 people attended the confer-
ence this year, which was once again
highlighted by the presentation of the
annual Ogden First Amendment Award.
This year’s first place winner was Corinna
Hills from Stockbridge, Ga., with an essay
titled “Graffiti of the Internet.” Kayla
Rice, from McDonough, Ga., won second
The Fifth Annual Ogden First
Amendment Essay Contest is named in
memory of James H. Ogden, Jr., late hus-
band of Clayton State business professor
Dr. Judith Ogden, and a lifelong support-
er of First Amendment rights.
The Conference’s keynote speakers, Ben
Speight, organizing director of Teamster's
local 728, and Tim Franzen and Shab
Bashiri from Occupy Atlanta, addressed
S.B. 469. This is a Georgia Senate bill that
limits protest, a bill which has united the
Tea Party, Occupy Atlanta, and unions,
Presentations at the conference were
Corinna Hills (right) receiving a plaque from Dr. Judith Ogden
made by graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents on various aspects of civic engage-
ment as well.