Collegeof Health
Minimum admission requirements include (details on the School of Nursing
1. Unrestricted current nursing licensure in the United States or eligibility
for licensure
2. Collegegradepoint average (GPA) of 2.00on4.00 scale.
3. Completion of 45 semester hours of BSN core curriculumwith grades of
C (or K or S) or better in all natural and behavioral science, math and
AreaF courses at the timeof application and 60 semesters hours at the
timeof enrollment innursingprogram.
4. Successful completionof the legislative requirements.
5. Eligible for clearanceon criminal background check and drugscreening.
6. Please note in order to bridge to the RN-MSN program youmust apply
for admission to theMSNprogram.
Core (AreasA - E)
AreaA2 –MATH1101orMATH1111 recommended
AreaD1 –CHEM1151-1151L-1152-1152L recommended
AreaD2 –MATH1231 recommended
Core (AreaF)
Appropriate1000/2000 level coursework (not applied inCoreA-E)
*MATH1231 (if not applied in Area D2) or appropriate lower division
statistics course required
3200Pathophysiology for RN’s ...................................................... 3 hours
Upon successful completion of NURS 3101, RNs will receive
up to 30 semester hours of credit.
NURS 3101Professional Issues ............................................................. 3 hours
NURS 3110 InteractiveCommunication................................................... 3 hours
NURS 3201HealthAssessment.............................................................. 2 hours
NURS 3202HealthAssessment Practicum for RNs...................................1 hour
NURS 4200Research for Evidence-BasedPractice ................................ 3 hours
NURS 4503Clinical Practicum for RNs ................................................... 3 hours
NURS 4300Nursing Leadership andManagement for RNs……………….4hours
NURS 4400Community andPopulation-FocusedNursingPracticeRNs . 4 hours
Major SpecificElectives...................................................................... 4hours
Chooseone1 hour elective course:
AnyNURS, HLTH, HCMG, HFMG or HSCI 3000/4000 level course (or
appropriateupper division statistics course)
Chooseone3 hour elective course:
AnyNURS, HLTH, HCMG, HFMG or HSCI 3000/4000 level course (or
appropriateupper division statistics course)
Nursing students must maintain a semester grade point average (GPA) of
2.00 (“C”) to progress in the program. Aminimum grade of “C” is required in all