Collegeof Arts andSciences
Upper DivisionElectives (select any2upper divisionCRJUcoursesnot
previouslyapplied to theminor) –6hours
Total ProgramRequirements ............................................................18hours
All coursesmust be completedwithagradeof Cor better.
At least twoupper division (3000/4000 level) coursesmust be
completed at ClaytonStateUniversity to fulfill residency requirements.
Courses taken to satisfyCoreAreasA throughEmaynot becounted as
coursework in theminor. CoreAreaF coursesmaybe counted as
coursework in theminor.
Studentswith lower-division (1000or 2000 level) CRJU transfer credit
mayapplyup to6of thesehours in theUpper DivisionElectives area
provided theywere completedwith agradeof Cor better andall other
minor criteriaare satisfied. Note that lower-division transferred courses
whichduplicate the themes or titles of CRJU courses the student has
taken at theupper division cannot be substituted.
Minor Program inHomelandSecurity/Emergency
The homeland security/emergency management minor offers Clayton State
University students who major in another field the opportunity to better
understand and prepare for careers in a relevant and emerging field of
community and national service. Also, the minor in HSEM provides the basic
knowledge necessary to pursue graduate studies in this field. In order to
graduate with a formal minor that will be noted on the student's permanent
record, the student must complete the requirements for the specific minor as
stipulated in the online CSU catalog. The major advisor is responsible for
reviewing a student’s progress in theminor. Studentsmust submit to theOfficeof
theRegistrar aminor application alongwith the degreegraduation application by
the published graduation application deadline. Minors mayonly be awarded in
conjunction with a baccalaureate degree. Minors will not be awarded after the
baccalaureatedegreehas been posted to theacademic transcript.
The minor in Homeland Security/Emergency Management will consist of 18
hours of upper-division courses. All students will be required to completeHSEM
3000 – Introduction to Homeland Security and HSEM 4700 – Legal Issues in
HomelandSecurity and four additional courses inHomelandSecurity/Emergency
Upper DivisionElectives
Select from: HSEM 3003, HSEM 3500, HSEM 4000,
HSEM 4098, HSEM 4500, HSEM 4600, HSEM 4700,
Total ProgramRequirements