Page 21 - Laker Connection Fall 2016
P. 21
be featured in the Laker Connection, the answer is that we look for stories that clearly embody the theme of that issue and will present the University and individual contributors in the best light.
From here, a content matrix is created that tracks all of the visual and writ- ten pieces needed before the photography and design work can begin. This determines art direction for photo shoots, tracks the progress of editorial de- velopment and maps out the structure and layout. Once all of the content is compiled, it is handed over to the design team and that’s when the magazine starts to really take life.
There are multiple input and feedback loops that take place and at least three rounds of reviews and edits.
It is a well-structured and yet creative process that takes a lot of teamwork throughout. The magazine would never reach completion without the collabo- ration and coordination of many contributors to the project. In this issue alone, we feature the work of approximately 19 students and alumni, two faculty ex- perts, 10 writers and editors, six photographers and designers and more than 25 other individuals that have facilitated the process of producing, publishing and disseminating the magazine.
This issue on creativity has been quite fascinating to work on as we have learned about the many ways creativity is expressed throughout our Laker community. And as we wrap up this edition of the Laker Connection we are already well into the work of the next issue. We always look forward to sharing the stories that are happening all around us at Clayton State and we hope to continue to interest and engage our audiences through our magazine.
by April Evans, Student
The scale hates
me. I know it.
It screams
with blue, lighted numbers. “You don’t
need that orange Fanta or those Oreos.”
tartness of the carbonated beverage seduces.
Addictive chocolate spheres overflowing with smooth
drugging cream.
Can’t blame the victim.
with clear black screen. It sits
in the corner mischievous disobedient child.
One step and
the abuse begins. The numbers rise. For a few seconds I’m weightless.
Plummeting back to Earth. Silently cursing numbers. Sad looks sent
Actual printing press where the Laker Connection magazine is produced