Page 19 - Laker Connection Fall 2016
P. 19

Step-by-Step instructions how to make your own origami Swan
Put your creative origami skills to the test! The swan is a very traditional structure and simple to make. Make your own beautiful swan, snap a picture and share it with us on social media by using the University hash tag, #ClaytonState. We will re-post images!
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1. Get a square piece of paper, turn it over so that the colored side is at the bottom.
2. Fold the piece of paper in half diagonally, so that it looks like a triangle.
3. Unfold your triangle so that it looks like a square again.
4. Take the two edges across from the center crease and fold them to
that crease. It should make a kite shape.
5. Turn your paper over.
6. Take the sides of your kite shape and fold those into the middle crease again. The kite should be thinner with triangular designs on one side.
7. Without turning the paper over, take the bottom point of the kite (the thinnest part) and fold it up to the top point of your kite shape, with the thin point along the middle crease.
8. Take the tip of the thin point and fold down a small portion of the point down, the portion should look like a triangle that is only about 1 or 2 centimeters (0.4 or 0.8 in) tall. The triangle formed by the previous step that was a triangle, should now look like a very tall trapezoid.
9. Remember that middle crease at the very first step? Fold the crease in half again. Except with the design side on the top.
10. Tightly holding the base of the triangle, pull up the thin point of the triangle (which will be the neck of the swan) to a desired height. It could be straight up, or at a sharp angle.
11. Pull the little part out to resemble a beak.
12. Decorate as desired.

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