Page 14 - Laker Connection Fall 2012
P. 14
The Office of Development
Creating Opportunities, Sharing
Development is synonymous with words such as advance- ment, expansion, growth, evolution - and the develop- ment office at Clayton State University is committed to all of those things. We work with University administration to identify priorities and to match those priorities with donor pas- sions. In the process, we help both students and donors to realize their dreams.
Our students dream of higher education and view attaining their degree as a way to advance opportunities for their future – and the future of their family. When donors have a desire to help such students and contribute money for scholarships, they realize their own dream of helping others and impacting many. Graduat- ing from college is no easy task, and having a financial burden re- lieved with a scholarship is one worry lessened.
Scholarships, though, are about much more than money. The receipt of a scholarship is a confirmation to the student that
A favorite campus event, the annual hot dog rally, kicks off the faculty/ staff fund drive. Clayton State’s contribution rate to the faculty/staff fund drive has averaged in excess of 95 percent for the past 10 years.
The recently held Scholarship Luncheon brought together scholarship receipients and donors. Pictured below is one scholarship recipient, psychology major Keith Matlock. Matlock truly benefited from his schol- arship - he graduated in spring 2012.
someone believes in them and is
willing to invest in their future. At
the recent luncheon designed to
bring together scholarship donors and recipients, student speakers spoke of their goals and accomplishments. Whether studying health care, music, or technology, their comments all had a similar theme – they are involved students who study hard and are appreciative of financial support, with plans to positively impact society through their chosen professions.
The faculty and staff of Clayton State have their own com- mitments to the University, and they share those commitments in many ways, especially when it comes to the Faculty/Staff Fund Drive. Through their financial support of the fund drive, they demonstrate their continued faith in the work of the University. Clayton State employees look beyond their job descriptions and contribute to academics, student awards, and special programs to enrich the quality of campus life and give students the tools they