Page 34 - Laker Connection Fall 2011
P. 34

Class Notes
(B.B.A. General Business ‘08)
Hart, of Covington, GA, has been promoted from credit analyst to business banker for Bank of North Georgia at the East Covington branch. Hart has more than 10 years of bank- ing experience and joined Bank of North Georgia in 2001.
(B.S. Psychology ‘08)
Jones received her master’s degree in educa- tion in October 2010 and plans to pursue a doctorate in the near future.
Loffert is the House Manager of the 14th Street Playhouse in midtown Atlanta.
(M.A. Liberal Studies ‘09)
Cox, of Locust Grove, GA, was one of five nominees for the 2011 Alice J. Smith Award at the Clayton State Faculty/Staff Awards Cer- emony earlier this year. The Smith Awards are presented to the faculty member and staff member ranked most outstanding as deter- mined by committees of their peers. Cox is the Communications Coordinator in the Office of University Image and Communications at Clayton State.
ANGEL KALINOV (B.B.A. Marketing ‘09)
chain management company. Kalinov was a former standout on the Clayton State men’s soccer team.
(M.A. Liberal Studies ‘09, B.B.A. Management ‘98)
Rowell was a finalist for
the Clayton County Cham-
ber of Commerce’s Clayton
County 2011 Business
Woman of the Year Award.
The Business Woman of
the Year Award heralds the
past and present achievements of an out- standing business woman in Clayton County. Rowell is the Director of Development at Clay- ton State.
DINA SWEARNGIN (M.S. Nursing ‘09, B.S. Nursing ‘97)
Swearngin was recently
named the Treasurer of the
Clayton State Alumni As-
sociation Board of Direc-
tors for 2011-13. She
works as a nursing profes-
sor at Clayton State in the University’s College of Health.
(B.A. Middle Grades Education ‘10)
Cox, of Pine Lake, GA, received the Georgia Power New Teacher Assistance Award in September of 2010.
(B.S. Political Science ‘10)
Davis, of McDonough, GA, is an insurance agent with State Farm Insurance.
AYABA D’ALMEIDA (B.S. Biology ‘10)
D’almeida, of Stockbridge, GA, recently grad- uated and will be attending Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN, entering the School of Dentistry in 2011.
(B.A. Communication & Media Studies ‘10)
Demond, of Hampton, GA, was recently named the Student Media Advisor at Clayton State University. She will oversee the student media publications: The Bent Tree, CSIR, and CSTV. Demond is a former editor of The Bent Tree and is an author. She and her husband, Jason, were married in November of 2010.
KALANI FRASER (B.A. Theatre ‘10)
Fraser, of Decatur, GA,
was commissioned earlier
this year as the playwright
for a theatre production
based on Clayton County’s
history and culture, “Moon-
shine and Magnolias.” The
production resulted from collaboration be- tween Historical Jonesboro/ Clayton County,
Kalinov has been promoted to assistant gen- eral manager for the Warsaw, Poland CH Robinson Operation. After graduation, Kalinov worked with CH Robinson in Huntsville, AL, before being recently promoted in the supply
(B.A. Middle Grades Education ‘09)
Kelly was selected by the Professional Asso- ciation of Georgia Educators (PAGE) for the two-year Teacher Academy for the 2009-2011 school year. Kelly is a former standout on the Clayton State men’s basketball team.
Mechelke, of Flower
Mound, TX, joined Telvent
Environment in Minneapo-
lis, MN, as their Senior Vice
President, Operations and
Strategy. Mechelke is re-
sponsible for the Telvent
Environment Weather Services overall busi- ness operations, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, and leads daily operations of product management, software development, and meteorology services. He and his wife Jill celebrated 20 years of marriage in June.
Rogers, of Decatur, GA,
was recently honored as a
nominee in the 7th Annual
Celebrating Nurses, “Nurs-
ing Excellence Awards” by
the AJC. Rogers was de-
scribed as “Super Nurse,”
as she juggles marriage, six children, two jobs and studying for a master’s degree. She cur- rently works as a float nurse at Kaiser Perma- nente and in the Emergency Department at Piedmont Hospital. Rogers, was the first vice president of Clayton State’s Student Nurses Association and was the District Director for the Georgia Student Nurses Association.
Heritage Cadillac Saab was a sponsor
for the 2011 Alumni Dinner.
(L to R) Tim (‘84) and Sabrina Crawford and Dina Sweargin (‘97, ‘09)
Spring 2011 graduates celebrate following the ceremony.

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