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Campus Review
October 8, 2014
While she has received a great deal of
notoriety recently for her development of
the Clayton State Self-Paced Online
Course (SPOC), she points out that the
vast majority of her supporting documen-
tation for the award is relative to her own
online instruction experiences. Indeed, as
noted in 2010 when Southard won the
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Award, she is, “passionate about develop-
ing online courses that possess the same
dynamic and engaging learning environ-
ment as traditional courses.”
“I am extremely grateful that the panel of
faculty and administrators from across the
state selected me for the Regents’
Teaching Excellence Award for online
teaching,” says Southard. “First, it is a
validation that online education can be as
academically rigorous as traditional
instruction. Secondly, an award of this
magnitude is not the result of my singular
efforts. It is the result of a team of people
that have all contributed to the body of my
work over the past decade.
“My department head, Dr. Rafik
Mohammed, is a great visionary that saw
the potential benefits of the self-paced
online course format and introduced it to
this University. Dr. Kevin Demmitt, Dr.
Nasser Momayezi and Dr. Jill Lane had
the foresight that an innovative approach
to online learning could benefit our stu-
dents and allocated resources to allow it to
come to fruition. David Pena, who
worked with me in the spring and Dr. Josh
Meddaugh and Dr. Adam Tate, who are
currently working with me to develop
dynamic and engaging instructional con-
tent for the self-paced online courses.
Lastly, but certainly not least, Christopher
White, Clayton State multimedia design-
er, who has provided me with his creativ-
ity to expertly create multimedia course
In his nomination letter to the USG,
Demmitt, the University’s interim provost
and vice president of academic affairs,
described Southard as being, “synony-
mous with excellence in online teaching
on our campus” and an, “evangelist for
online teaching.” He also noted, “her
excellence in online teaching begins with
meticulous attention to course design”
and that she, “was actively involved in
shaping University policy and implement-
ing a strategic plan for distance educa-
The USG committee for the Regents’
Awards received many outstanding nomi-
nation portfolios, which were thoroughly
reviewed by a panel of faculty and admin-
istrators from across the University
System. After reviewing Southard’s port-
folio, the review committee voted unani-
mously to recommend her as the winner.
“The committee was particularly
impressed with the excellent supporting
documentation including access to online
materials,” noted Davis in his award letter
to Southard. “Your use of a variety of
modalities to engage students is outstand-
ing; and the self-paced online course is an
example of your work that would be of
value to other institutions in the system.
The committee also appreciated your use
of reflection to improve your courses and
felt that your letters of support provided
clear evidence of your role as a mentor
and leader.”
Southard points to several sources of
inspiration for her online teaching philos-
ophy, starting with William Pollard’s,
“Learning and innovation go hand in
hand. The arrogance of success is to think
that what you did yesterday will be suffi-
cient for tomorrow.”
Another quote that resonates with
Southard, and can be said to encapsulate
her interactive, empowering SPOC
approach, comes from Benjamin Franklin,
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may
remember, involve me and I learn.”
“My courses are a continuous work in
progress,” she says. “Distance education
is a dynamic and changing learning envi-
ronment where I am constantly learning
and discovering ways to improve. I am
not afraid to try new approaches as long
as I believe they can help the students
master the content. I rely upon student
feedback to guide me as to whether my
approaches are successful or not, and
make adjustments whenever needed to
benefit the students. As the students are
learning the content, I am learning how to
best instruct them. John Cotton Dana cap-
tured my sentiments on this topic precise-
ly `Who dares to teach must never cease
to learn.’”
In her online courses Southard strives to
create meaningful interactions, such as
role play simulations, to promote interest
and foster understanding.
“I view quality online instruction as a
continual `work in progress,’” Southard
says. “It evolves as new information sur-
faces, innovative strategies develop, and
improved resources emerge. The unifying
thread of my ongoing research is meas-
ures to create an online learning environ-
ment conducive to maximum student per-
Not surprisingly, Southard sees a bright
future for both online learning and
Clayton State students who take SPOC .
“I am excited that the System recognizes
the potential for innovative educational
delivery formats to reduce barriers to edu-
cation and provide students with an alter-
native path to pursue their academic
goals,” she says. “Serving the best inter-
ests of the students is our focus. Our
motto at Clayton State University is
`Dreams Made Real’ and it is my hope
that these courses will help more students
realize their dreams.”
Southard has taught at Clayton State for
12 years. She earned her J.D. from the
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at
Arizona State University. Along with the
other 2015 Regents winners, she will be
officially recognized at the annual
Regents’ Gala on Mar. 28, 2015 where the
winners will be the honored guests of the
USG Foundation. In addition, she will
present at the annual USG Teaching and
Learning Conference that will be held in
April 2015.
Southard, cont’d. from p. 1