Campus Review
October 8, 2014
Page 10
Dental Hygiene
Clayton State University’s most popular
community service function, the public
dental hygiene clinic that is staffed and
operated by the University’s Department
of Dental Hygiene, has recently been ren-
ovated to improve access to the facility
and to improve both the clinical outcomes
for the patients and the learning outcomes
for the Clayton State students who staff
the clinic. As a result, the Dental Hygiene
Clinic formally celebrated by having a
ribbon-cutting ceremony, performed by
Interim Dental Hygiene Department Chair
Professor Lois Manning-Burke, on
Tuesday, Aug. 26.
Former President Dr. Tom Harden
stopped in for a visit on Sept 15! Welcome
SBDC Business consultant Judiffier
Pearson graduated from Leadership
Fayette on Thursday, Aug. 21.
University Health Services
University Health Services at Clayton
State University has the latest flu vaccine
in stock, and is offering flu shots to stu-
dents, faculty, staff and the general public.
The cost of a flu shot at University Health
Services is $15 for students, faculty and
staff, and $20 for the public. University
Health Services is located in Building
1000 at Clayton Station, 5809 Northlake
Dr., Morrow. Office hours are: Monday to
Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Friday, 8
a.m. to 3 p.m. Call (678) 466-4941 for
more information.
Across the Campus...
versity.” Now, in its 2014 Education
Issue, James is calling Clayton State the
best value in higher education in Georgia.
"The editors of
review national
publications recognized for their ratings
and rankings of institutions of higher
learning and then create their own 'scoring
matrix' for the various categories listed in
the '2014 Education Issue,'” explains the
James editorial staff. “Our staff from
InsiderAdvantage, as the state's most
established public opinion research firm
(pollsters for organizations ranging from
Politico to the top three network affiliates
in Atlanta over the past 14 years -- cur-
rently Fox5 Atlanta and the Morris
Newspapers) then review relevant statis-
tics related to all universities and colleges
as well as the national matrix to determine
rankings for the issue.
“The editors determined that, based on a
combination of various rankings by
national publications and related statistics
gathered by our staff, Clayton State is the
best overall value (for cost as compared
with/to academic standards and quality of
education) of any institution of higher
learning in Georgia."
In other words, Clayton State is the best in
the state at actually making dreams real.
In addition,
, which is published by
InsiderAdvantageGeorgia, also ranks
Clayton State ninth overall among all
Georgia universities.
Clayton State Ranked Among
First Tier of Regional Colleges
By U.S. News & World Report
Clayton State University is once again
ranked in the first tier of the top regional
colleges in the south by U.S. News &
World Report. The rankings, which
include evaluations of more than 1,400
schools nationwide, are currently avail-
able at, and
will also be published in U.S. News &
World Report's 2015 edition of Best
Colleges, which will be on newsstands
starting Sept. 23.
In addition to its first tier ranking, Clayton
State is also ranked eighth out of 19 pub-
lic regional colleges in the south.
“This is an additional year in which U.S.
News & World Report rankings placed us
among the first tier of regional public
comprehensive colleges in the South — a
finding consistent with those of the last
several years,” says Clayton State
President Dr. Thomas J. Hynes. “But,
together with reports from other sources
such as James magazine (proclaiming
Clayton State as the best value for four-
year institutions in Georgia), this demon-
strates growing evidence of our belief that
Clayton State and the accomplishments of
its students and faculty are viewed posi-
tively by others. For this we are delighted.
Our commitment to find ways to make
student and community dreams real
remains strong.”
The editors of James’ recently published
2014 Education Issue determined that,
based on a combination of various rank-
ings by national publications and related
statistics gathered by the James staff, that
Clayton State was the best overall value
(for cost as compared with/to academic
standards and quality of education) of any
institution of higher learning in Georgia.
Clayton State is ranked with regional col-
leges because it focuses on the undergrad-
uate experience and offers a broad range
of programs in the liberal arts, which
account for fewer than half of all bache-
lor’s degrees granted, and in fields such as
business, nursing and education. Clayton
State currently has eight masters pro-
The U.S. News rankings are based on a
variety of subjective and objective fac-
tors, including the opinions of high school
counselors and other university presi-
, cont’d. from p. 2