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Campus Review
October 10, 2013
Page 8
Clayton State Serving as Presenting Sponsor for
Eighth Annual Showcase Clayton Business & Community Expo
Clayton State Women’s Forum Announces
Annual Auction, Chili Cook-off, Quilt Raffle
The Clayton State Women’s Forum will
be holding its Annual Auction, Chili
Cook-off and Quilt Raffle on Thursday,
Nov. 7.
The organization’s mission is to sustain a
Women’s Forum Scholarship Fund in sup-
port of assisting students with general and
emergency resources to aid in their suc-
cessful completion of academic studies.
Proceeds from all events go to the
Scholarship Fund.
There are several ways to get involved:
- Donate items for the Auction
- Shop the Auction
- Prepare a pot of chili for the Chili Cook-
- Join us at the Chili Cook-Off
- Purchase Quilt Raffle tickets
For more information:
h t t p : / /www. c l a y t on . e du /wome n s -
h t t p : / /www. c l a y t on . e du /wome n s -
h t t p : / /www. c l a y t on . e du /wome n s -
Online Auction bidding will commence at
10 a.m. on Nov. 4. Donated items will be
displayed on Main Street in the University
Center on Nov. 7, beginning at 10 a.m.
Auction bidding will close at 1:30 p.m.
For Auction donations, contact: Maurica
John (678)466-4078 or Krystal Houston
The Chili Cook-Off is scheduled from
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until the chili runs
out) in the University Center Commons.
For Chili Cook-off participation, contact:
Jill Sears (678) 466-4705 or Amber
Bradberry (678) 466-4605.
The Quilt Raffle drawing will be held at
1:30 p.m. on Nov. 7.
Faculty, staff, students, retirees, and com-
munity members collaborate for this event
which has become an annual campus tra-
Clayton State University is serving as the
presenting sponsor for the Clayton
County Chamber of Commerce’s Eighth
Annual Showcase Clayton Business &
Community Expo.
The Expo, also known as “Showcase
Clayton” will be held on Thursday, Oct.
17, from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the
First Baptist Church of Jonesboro’s
Recreation Outreach Center, 148 Church
St., Jonesboro. A total of 68 exhibitors are
currently signed up for Showcase
Clayton, and an attendance in excess of
650 is expected for this free event.
While serving as the presenting sponsor
for one of Clayton County’s highest-pro-
file annual events, Clayton State is also
providing student volunteers for the Expo
through the University’s AmeriCorps pro-
In addition to providing an opportunity
for businesses to exhibit their products
and services, Showcase Clayton is also an
opportunity to network with the commu-
nity and business leaders. And, it’s a fam-
ily-friendly event that includes special
entertainment just for children, food, door
prizes provided by the exhibitors and fes-
Expo activities will include, in addition to
the exhibitors; secret booth scavenger
hunt, a restaurant row featuring free food
samples, promotion opportunities and
new resources, free massages, prize draw-
ings every hour, a 50/50 cash raffle, free
health screenings, and children’s activities
including face painting, balloon art and
identification finger printing.
For more information, go to the Clayton
County Chamber of Commerce website: , or con-
tact Jessica Kinard, chamber events man-
ager, at (678) 610-4021.
The deadline for nominations will be
Monday, Nov. 4. Plans are for the first
Hall of Fame Class to be announced in
January of 2014 and to be recognized at
Homecoming festivities, scheduled for
Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014.
For on nomination and selection criteria, visit
To nominate a candidate online, visit
Hall of Fame, cont’d. from p. 1