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Campus Review
October 10, 2013
below or contact Heather Chaney for the
w&searchMonths=6. The cost for this
workshop is $69 per person. Current
Clayton State students and staff get a 50
percent discount. In addition, individuals
who buy one at $69 get a 50 percent dis-
count for each additional person who reg-
isters with them. All registrations must be
made at the same time in order to receive
this discount. This discount cannot be
combined or used with any other discount
or coupon.
School of Nursing
The 2014 Clayton State University School
of Nursing Faculty Scholar, Dr. Peggy O.
Hewlett, was on campus on Thursday,
Oct. 3 and Friday, Oct. 4 for a reception
and dialogue (Thursday) and a presenta-
tion and Q&A (Friday). The subject of her
visit was “IOM and the Future of Nursing:
The Work of State Coalitions.” This event
is funded by Clayton State’s HRSA Grant
# DO9HP22614.
Student Veterans
Clayton State University’s Student
Veterans Association is calling for all
staff, faculty and students who serve or
have served in the Armed Forces to pro-
vide brief biographies and pictures to dis-
play in the University Center on Veterans
Day. Please provide a photo (electronic
submission preferred) and information to
Dennis Brown, SVA vice president. E-
mail: or
drop items by the Veterans Resource
Center, Edgewater Hall, Ste. 115 (next to
the Loch Shop). The deadline is Nov. 5.
The Loch Shop
What’s on your mind when it comes to
course materials and which technology
devices you own? Tell The Loch Shop and
have the chance to win cash prizes of up
to $1000! Everything you have to say —
the good, the bad, the indifferent — helps
us serve you better. Go to www.student- to complete the survey, which
will be open from Oct. 21 to Nov. 1.
“Thanks for sharing what’s on your
mind," says Loch Shop Manager Todd
Smith. Student Watch surveys are con-
ducted by OnCampus Research and report
student data in the aggregate. No individ-
ual data is ever released. As the data is
collected no identifiers, including name,
address, or e-mail are attached to the data.
No respondent of Student Watch surveys
will be personally identified as a respon-
dent without permission. When a contest
is offered as an incentive, the names are
stored separately from the survey data,
and winners are contacted individually.
University Health Services
University Health Services at Clayton
State University is now offering intrader-
mal flu shots to Clayton State students,
faculty, staff and the general public. For
those prospective recipients with a dislike
of hypodermic needles, it is worth noting
that the intradermal flu vaccine is a shot
that is injected into the skin instead of the
muscle. As a result, the intradermal shot
uses a much smaller needle than the regu-
lar flu shot. Flu shots will be available
without an appointment at University
Health Services, located on the second
floor of Edgewater Hall, Monday through
Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The cost is $15 for students, and $20 for
everyone else.
Visiting Writers Reading Series
For this semester, the Visiting Writer’s
Reading Series is trying something new…
a large event featuring Janisse Ray. The
event is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 14,
and will include a lecture/presentation at
2:10 p.m. in room UC 416 of the Baker
Center and a poetry reading at 5:30 p.m.
in room UC 272 of the Baker Center.
Writer, naturalist and activist Ray is
author of four books of literary nonfiction
and a collection of nature poetry. She is on
the faculty of Chatham University’s low-
residency MFA program and is a
Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow. She
holds an MFA from the University of
Montana, and in 2007 was awarded an
honorary doctorate from Unity College in
Across the Campus...
human resources for Wesley Industries,
Inc., in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., a tier one
automotive supplier and Warren/Conner
Development Coalition in Detroit, where
he led the human resources and adminis-
tration functions for a large community
based non-profit located in a former
Enterprise Zone.
He has held several senior leadership
positions in three different divisions of
Comcast. In his former role for the
Southern Division, he was responsible for
field operations, employee relations and
labor relations, including negotiating col-
lective bargaining agreements. He has
held similar positions in the former
Midwest and Mid Atlantic Divisions, as
well as Regional HR Lead positions.
Gillenwater holds a Master’s Degree in
organizational management from the
University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of
Science Degree in communications from
Western Michigan University, where he
was a scholarship athlete. He is a certified
Senior Professional in Human Resources
In addition to Prieto’s class members and
the Clayton State SHRM Chapter,
Director of Development Thomas Giffin¸
Career Services’ Ryan Whitfield, and
Sanford Dennis of the College of
Business also attended Gillenwater’s
Gillenwater, cont’d. from p. 4