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Campus Review
July 7, 2014
U n i v e r s i t y ’ s
expertise in online
education dates
back into the last
century, when the
honored by the
Distance Learning
A s s o c i a t i o n
(USDLA) at its 18th Annual TeleCon
Conference and Awards in the "Best
Program -- Higher Education Distance
Learning" category.
Thus, it should come as no surprise that,
virtually a generation later, Associate
Professor of Legal Studies Sheryne
Southard has been similarly honored in
the 2014 Annual SoftChalk Lesson
Challenge, for her innovative, empower-
ing approach to online learning through
Self-Paced Online Courses, a concept that
was first broached to her by Social
Sciences Department Chair Dr. Rafik
Clayton State’s first Self-Paced Online
Course (SPOC), in American Government,
was given as a pilot project in the spring
2014 semester. Barely two months into the
semester, Southard submitted her work to
SoftChalk, a provider of content authoring
software for educators in K-12, colleges,
universities and medical programs, and was
awarded fourth place nationally out of 117
The SoftChalk Lesson Challenge is a con-
test held annually that allows SoftChalk
users to submit their best and most cre-
ative lessons and eCourses for recogni-
tion. A judging panel made up of educa-
tors from across the nation scores the les-
sons based on a subset of the Quality
Matters judging rubric. Lessons are
judged on specific categories including
creativity, professionalism, interactivity
and how well the lesson reinforces student
“For us to place that high with the pilot
version of the course… we’re on to some-
thing,” says Southard.
Self-Paced Online Courses… Another
Clayton State Award-Winning, Empowering Innovation
by John Shiffert
Jack and Sherry Hancock University
Professorship to Dr. Deering.
Dr. Lamb received the Tommy Clonts
University Professorship, established to
honor Mr. Clonts’ volunteer efforts to a
number of charitable causes throughout
the region.
Dr. Kheirandish received the Bud and
Mary Miller Professorship, established
recently by the former dean of the Clayton
State University College of Business,
Ernest “Bud” Miller and his wife Mary.
Dr. Raridan received the Jimmy Easley
University Professorship, named in honor
of long-time Atlanta Journal/Constitution
employee Jimmy Easley.
Professorships, cont’d. from p. 2
Southard, cont’d., p. 22