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Campus Review
July 7, 2014
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Sodexo Focuses on Sustainability
Clayton State Student Wins
National “Find Your Pinspiration” Contest
This spring, Clayton State University
Dining, operated by Sodexo Campus
Services, focused its events and promo-
tions on sustainability, including a waste
reducing dining initiative and annual
recycle art contest.
In an attempt to reduce waste in their dining
program, Clayton State Dining ran a mar-
keting campaign, “Go Green,” to create
awareness and increase participation in the
use of biodegradable, recyclable, and
reusable containers used in Lakeside
Dining Hall. Reusable mugs are also used
in several retail dining locations. They even
took it one step further by primarily pro-
moting the initiative using social media.
The results: this spring, Clayton State fac-
ulty, staff and students purchased 172
reusable mugs across campus, and in
Lakeside Dining Hall, all take-out pur-
chases were required to choose either a
bio-degradable or reusable container. All
of these products helped reduce waste in
our landfills.
According to Clayton State University
Dining General Manager Dyiesha Kerr,
Lakeside Dining Hall cashier Linda
McClain was instrumental in promoting
the sustainability program and educating
customers. Kerr points out that McClain
not only sold more than 85 reusable mugs
in less than three weeks, going on to win
the employee sales contest, but that,
“Linda is passionate about Clayton State’s
environmental focus.
“She helps our customers understand that
their dining experience is more than just
great food. It is also a community experi-
ence that shares a sense of environmental
and social responsibility.”
Clayton State Dining also held its annual
Recycle Art Contest this spring. To cele-
brate Earth Day, students were asked to
express their creativity and artistic talents
with recycled art products. In an effort to
create their next big “trash-formation,”
entries included a dress made completely
of recyclable magazines and an art piece
that, using cans, bottles, fast-food bags,
cardboard, fabric and a spark plug,
inspired people to keep the campus clean.
The winner, Mark Morrow, created a hot
air balloon inspired by the movie “Up.”
He used aluminum cans, bottle wrappers,
and food wrappers. He won an assortment
of gifts and prizes, courtesy of The Loch
Clayton State University student Erica
Vondyke was one of 16 National Grand
Prize winners in Sodexo’s Find Your
Pinspiration contest.
Sixteen college students, chosen from
countless entries across the United States,
were named National Grand Prize win-
ners in the Pintrest contest.
The contest, run by Clayton State
University Dining’s food-service opera-
tor, Sodexo, was a resident dining sweep-
stakes. The social media-based event gave
students a chance to get other students
motivated to create a path toward a
healthier and fit lifestyle by creating an
engaging atmosphere to build awareness
of the need to choose healthier, nutrient-
rich foods and to find ways to become
more active.
Each winning student received one of 16
Health &Wellness Packages that included
a $250 Gift Card to Dick’s Sporting
Goods®; a $100 SpaFinder® Gift Card, a
Nike+ FuelBand and a BKR® H2O
In addition to on-campus activities, Find
Your Pinspiration used the power of
Pinterest to engage students to add excite-
ment, find their motivation and inspire
others to a healthier lifestyle by repinning
ideas and photos on Pinterest.
Look for more exciting promotions from
campus dining again this semester.
For more information on Clayton State
seen every single day. Bridgette is
answering a call to prepare students for
employment. I count it a privilege to be
her friend.”
“Your commitment to GACE… has been
unwavering over these years,” says Diane
Fennig, director of graduate student and
alumni services at the J. Mack Robinson
College of Business at Georgia State
University. “You have always been a team
player, ready to serve and always with a
smile and a contagious sense of humor.
Bridgette, you are most deserving of this
honor by your colleagues in the greatest
state Association of Colleges and
“I am honored that you are joining the
ranks of those of us who have come
before you. The one-and-only Peggy
Gardner would be especially proud!”
“Bridgett McDonald has been an active
and engaged member of the association
since 1997. She has assumed a variety of
roles to lead GACE and has tirelessly pro-
moted the benefits of membership of our
McDonald, cont’d. from p. 6
McDonald, cont’d., p. 21