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Campus Review
May 19, 2014
Justin Pollard – Clayton State Nursing’s
Rookie of the Year at Emory University Hospital
by Siera Blasco
Justin Pollard graduat-
ed from Clayton State
University in 2012 and
has been only escalat-
ing his career since.
Pollard was recently
selected for Rookie of
the Year at Emory
University Hospital
(EUH), where he
works as a registered staff nurse in assess-
ing patients, prescribing meds, and overall
educating patients on how to best deal
with their specific types of cancer.
Pollard had always had a passion for nurs-
ing, drawn by the moral aspect of the
career rather than the monetary. He was
first introduced to the practice in high
school through summer technical pro-
grams, and from there chose Clayton State
for its nursing program and proximity.
Pollard feels that the clinical rotations
offered at Clayton State best prepared him
for his residency through hands-on work
as well as the stimulation labs that preced-
ed those.
While Pollard feels that, “all the profes-
sors were nurturing and helpful,” Clayton
State Assistant Professor of Spanish Dr.
Khedija Gadhoum served as a particular
influence in Pollard’s journey. Gadhoum
inspired Pollard to study abroad in
Guadalajara, Mexico, where he and other
students charted and gave medications to
Now Pollard is co-chair of the Magnet
Committee at EUH, a committee that
advocates excellence, safety, and innova-
tion in the nursing field. He was also nom-
inated and voted as employee of the
month as well as Rookie of the Year.
Many of his coworkers say that if they
had to have any nurse, it would be Justin
Clayton State MBA Graduate
Fred Snow Reaching New Heights
by Siera Blasco
Fred Snow, a Clayton State University
alumnus from the Master of Business
Administration pro-
gram, has taken his
career to new heights
since graduating in
May 2013.
Snow has been part of
Hella, an international
technology company,
for 20 years now, serv-
ing currently as the
vice president to the U.S. automotive
aftermarket division. After his MBA grad-
uation from Clayton State, Snow was
selected for Hella’s Learn Engage
Accelerate Drive (LEAD) program, being
one of the three selected from North
America, out of 50 participants chosen
internationally from their pool of approx-
imately 29,000 employees.
Snow’s desire for knowledge spurred him
to purse the MBA program at Clayton
State. He attributes his success in the
LEAD program to Clayton State, in that
not only did he sharpen his ability to work
with diverse groups of people, but the
MBA also aided in the development of his
public speaking skills.
The MBA program allowed Snow to,
“deal with public speaking, under pres-
sure, with little practice or warning,”
much like the actual challenge that was
given to him when, on the eve of a pres-
entation to Hella’s Board of Directors, his
group decided at last minute that Snow
should be the one to present. The board
was interested and selected the plan Snow
presented, and are now in the process of
executing the plan. Snow and many others
of his team members remain connected to
the project.
Snow’s thriving intellect particularly
enjoyed Dr. Gary May’s capstone class, in
the way that it pulled, “everything in the
program together” just as the MBA pro-
gram helped hone Snow’s ambition, intel-
lect, and experience into accelerating his
pursuit to the capstone in his career; to run
a company.
The Center for Academic Success
Spring Semester Tutoring Blitz