Campus Review
May 19, 2014
Page 10
MAS Graduate Student
Selected as NEH Summer Scholar
Jean Young, a graduate student in the
Master of Archival Science (MAS) pro-
gram at Clayton State University, has
been selected as an NEH Summer Scholar
from a national applicant pool to attend
one of 30 seminars and institutes support-
ed by the National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH). The Endowment is a
federal agency that, each summer, sup-
ports these enrichment opportunities at
colleges, universities, and cultural institu-
tions, so that faculty can work in collabo-
ration and study with experts in humani-
ties disciplines.
Young will participate in an institute titled
“Black Aesthetics and African Centered
Cultural Expressions: Sacred Systems in the
Nexus between Cultural Studies, Religion
and Philosophy.” The three-week program
will be held at Emory University from July
13 to Aug. 1, and co-directed by Dr. Pellom
McDaniels, III, assistant professor inAfrican
American Studies and faculty curator of the
African American Collections at the
Manuscript, Archives and Race Book
Library (MARBL) and Paul Carter
playwright/director/theatre theorist.
The 25 teachers selected to participate in
the program each receive a stipend of
$2,700 to cover their travel, study, and liv-
ing expenses.
The approximately 440 NEH Summer
Scholars who participate in these pro-
grams of study will teach more than
113,000 American students the following
Another Triumph for Clayton State’s SAM Chapter
For the past 13 years, Clayton State
University business students have been
empowered by their participation in the
annual Society for Advancement of
Management’s (SAM) annual student
business case competition.
The current year has been no exception,
as, for the fourth straight year, Clayton
State’s SAM chapter finished in the top
two teams in their division of the national
competition, finishing ahead of chapters
from such a diverse group of universities
as Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Wright
State University (Ohio) and Rowan
University (New Jersey).
For 2014, the Clayton State SAM chapter
placed second for the competition for the
James Rutherford Trophy (undergraduate
division) at the SAM competition in
Orlando, Fla. This follows the Clayton
State chapter finishing first in 2011 and
2012, and second in 2013.
“We have been consistently one of the
high-performing teams in the SAM case
competition in the 13 years that we have
participated in this business competition,”
exclaims chapter advisor and Associate
Professor of Economics Dr. Reza
The 2014 SAM travelling team consisted
of four students: Rachel Mannor, Katelyn
Curtis, Sarita Brayboy and Chris Jeboda.
In addition, Carmen Williams was a mem-
ber of the team who could not travel to
Orlando, but who helped the team prepare
their case.
“The team worked very hard during the
past two months and developed financial
and SWOT analysis and suggested recom-
mendations for JC Penney,” explains
Kheirandish. “The judges were impressed
by our team’s performance. I am very
proud of this team especially because the
difference between the first and the last
team is not very much.”
Mannor, Curtis and Williams have also
received the SAM Outstanding Student
Regional Award based on Kheirandish’s
nomination and their resumes and GPAs.
“I would also like to acknowledge the
leadership of our previous faculty advi-
sors, Dr. Michael Deis and Dr. Lari
Arjomand,” says Kheirandish . “As the
current faculty advisor I also want to
thank my colleagues in the College of
Business at Clayton State for encouraging
their most talented students to participate
in SAM case competition team and their
words of encouragement for me through-
out the past few years.”
Williams was born in Atlanta and current-
ly resides in McDonough. A senior gener-
al business major with minors in Supply
Chain Management and Spanish, in addi-
tion to her participation in SAM, she is
also a member of Clayton State Internet
Radio and the University Hearing Panel,
and currently works for the student com-
puter help desk, the HUB on the Clayton
State campus.
The current president of the Clayton State
SAM chapter, Curtis is a native of
Lebanon, Ind., who anticipates graduating
in May 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in
Marketing with a concentration in Supply
Chain Management. She is a member of
two national honor societies, Alpha
Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma, as well
as Delta Sigma Pi, a national business fra-
ternity. Currently residing in Peachtree
SAM, cont’d., p. 14