Campus Review
May 14, 2012
Page 14
Trivia Time
Not Proven
by John Shiffert, University Relations
Only Arlen Specter, a true maverick
of American politics (at the time he
was a Republican, but that was both
after and before he was a Democrat),
could have voted in such a manner
during the Clinton impeachment.
Although his vote was recorded as
“not guilty,” then-Senator Specter,
the former Philadelphia DA (in other
words, he’s a Philadelphia Lawyer)
clearly stated that he thought the alle-
gations again Bill Clinton were “not
proven.” Well, a former DA ought to
Also in the know for the second
straight Arlen Specter question were;
David Messer, Scott McElroy, Brett
Reichert, Jill Ellington, David
Ludley, Rob Taylor, Kurt-Alexander
Zeller and Cassandra Boger-Jones.
Although Clinton may have had a diffi-
cult presidency, at least he didn’t have to
undergo a secret operation on a yacht
off of Long Island… but one president
did. Who was he? Send your answers to
Clayton State Holds
2012 Athletic Awards Banquet
The Clayton State athletic department
held its 2012 Athletics Banquet on Apr.
27, at the Student Athletics Center on the
campus of Clayton State University.
Individual team and academic awards
were presented, as well as a highlight
slide presentation of the 2011/12 athletic
season at Clayton State.
The highlight of the night was the presen-
tation of the Laker and Lady Laker
Awards. Senior cross country and track
and field runner Albert Mong’ony was
honored as the Laker Award winner, while
senior Division II first teamAll-American
basketball player Tanisha Woodard was
selected as the Lady Laker award winner.
In addition, the top academic awards were
also presented. Winning the H. Mason
Barfield Award as the top male academic
student-athlete for a second straight year
was track and field athlete Robert
Spezzacatena, while cross country/track
and field athlete Paige Galvin won the
Dotty H. Bumbalough Award for the top
female academic student-athlete.
The top academic team award went to
women’s tennis.
Bachelor of
Business Administration:
Marie Cercelletti (Women's Tennis)
- Marketing
Dannelle Douglas (Women's Soccer)
- Accounting
Leighton Fredericks (Men's Soccer)
- Supply Chain Management
Brett Neilsen (Men's Soccer)
- Supply Chain Management
Adam Novakowski (Men's Golf)
- Marketing
Robert Spezzacatena (Men's Track
and Field) - General Business
"I’m very proud of Stephen. He’s been
working as a performer almost continual-
ly ever since graduation; this is his third
long-term contract and that doesn’t hap-
pen for every singing actor," says Zeller.
"I’ve always loved what the director Mark
Lamos said, that the first responsibility of
having talent is to figure out how it works,
and Stephen really took that injunction
seriously; it’s good to see it paying off for
Athlete Grads, cont’d. from p. 15
Music Alumni, cont’d. from p. 5
photos by Kevin Liles