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Campus Review
May 14, 2012
rent financial crisis in Europe,” said
Parkerson in a follow-up email to
Gouloussis. “You prompted us to think
and to examine the subject critically. I
believe that all appreciated your special
perspective about Greece’s place in the
crisis and the explanations behind many
of the EU-member states’ criticisms of
Greece’s responses. It is educational to
benefit from hearing first-hand Greece’s
views on the subject.”
Born and raised in Athens, Gouloussis
attended the Classical Lyceum Anavryton
A well-known and respected children’s
advocate, Hollowell published The
Forgotten Room, a book covering ethno-
graphic case study of a public alternative
school which highlights solitary confine-
ment, in 2009.
Following the publication of The
Forgotten Room, Hollowell became an
advocate against solitary confinement
cells in public schools, and her efforts,
along with those of other child advocates,
led the Georgia Department of Education
to ban the practice of school seclusion on
July 8, 2010.
“The Forgotten Room is a unique and
somber story of students on parole, and it
reveals what happens to them and their
hardworking teachers when they are put
in crumbling school buildings and over-
crowded conditions,” explains Hollowell.
“It’s dark and gritty. I saw students threat-
en and assault teachers. We had lock-
downs, SWAT team visits, gang fighting,
drug dealing, and students on rampages,
but we also had oases of peace in the
classrooms of exemplary teachers.”
A former public school science teacher
and museum director of education, and a
member of the Society for the Study of
Social Problems, Hollowell was awarded
the 2010 Equity & Social Justice
Advocacy Award from the National
Association for Multicultural Education
(NAME), on the nomination by fellow
Clayton State faculty member, Assistant
Professor of Teacher Education Dr. Mari
Roberts. In her nomination of Hollowell,
Roberts wrote:
“Hollowell’s successful advocacy efforts
against an egregious human rights viola-
tion include blogging against solitary con-
finement on her publisher’s website, the
distribution of flyers urging constituents
to lobby legislators to support The
Preventing Harmful Restraint and
Seclusion in Schools Act, and presenta-
tions of her powerful cell photographs at
Georgia NAME conferences, National
Youth At-Risk conferences, and the
National Archives at Atlanta. She created
a personal website at www.theforgotten-, and her advocacy efforts have
been broadcasted in university press
releases and Society for the Study of
Social Problems (SSSP) newsletters.”
and afterwards studied Law at the
National and Capodistrian University of
Athens. He completed his postgraduate
studies (LL.M.) at the University of
Tuebingen in Germany, where he also
obtained his Ph.D. specializing in
International Law of the Sea. From 1997
until 2001 he practiced Law as a member
of the Athens Bar Association.
After the fulfillment of his military obli-
gations, he entered the Special Legal
Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
at the rank of Rapporteur, where he
remained until 2004, when he was also
admitted to the Diplomatic Service. He
served at the Diplomatic Academy of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2004 - 2005),
at the Information and Public Diplomacy
(MFA Spokesman’s Office) Department
from 2005 to 2006, and at the Embassy of
Greece in Berlin from 2006 to October
Thank you, student workers! National Student Employment Week photos. See story on p. 4
Hollowell cont’d. from p. 7
Consul of Greece, cont’d. from p. 8