Collegeof Arts andSciences
HFMG 3101Kinesiology......................................................................... 3 hours
HFMG 3102ExercisePhysiology............................................................ 3 hours
HLTH4330Nutrition............................................................................... 3 hours
MATH1501Calculus.............................................................................. 4 hours
(If MATH1501 is applied inAreaA, one (1) credit canbeapplied here.)
MATH3220AppliedStatistics................................................................. 3 hours
PSYC2103 Intro toHumanDevelopment................................................ 3 hours
PSYC3350Abnormal Psychology .......................................................... 3 hours
PSYC4120Physiological Psychology..................................................... 3 hours
Important notes concerning courses:
Thebiology core requirements involvingBIOL 3222, BIOL 3223, BIOL 3224,
BIOL 4222 and BIOL 4500 must be satisfied first before these courses can
be applied to the biology electives or directed electives area. No single
coursecan count in twoareas.
A total maximum of three experiential learning courses can be counted in
the Biology program. Experiential learning courses include the following:
BIOL 3222, BIOL 3223, BIOL 3224, BIOL 4222, CHEM 3222, CHEM 3223,
CHEM 3224, CHEM 4222, PHYS 3223, PHYS3224
BIOL 3222, BIOL 3223, BIOL 3224, BIOL 4222 and BIOL 4500 can each be
taken amaximum of 2 times for credit.
BIOL 4100, Animal Physiology, is a prerequisite or co-requisite for BIOL
If MATH 1501 is used in Area A, one hour of credit may be applied to the
directed electives area.
PSYC 1101, Introduction toPsychology, must be selected inAreaE tomeet
theprerequisite for any of theP’SYC courses in thedirected electives.
CSCI 1301 isaprerequisite for CSCI 1302.
CRJU1150 is aprerequisite for CRJU3100.
BIOL 1152/L and HFMG 3101 require BIOL 1151 and BIOL 1151L as a
HFMG 3102 requires HFMG 3101 as aprerequisite.
No grades of D in upper-division courses or in area A, D or F are allowed in the
Secondary Teacher Education Track of the Biology major. Upper-division
courses are all courses other than those of Areas A through F of the core
curriculum. 1000- or 2000-level courses used in the upper division are included
in this restriction.
Option2: SecondaryTeacher EducationTrack ...............................31hours
EDUC2110 InvestigatingCritical/Contemp. Issues.................................. 3 hours
EDUC2120ExploringSocio-Culture....................................................... 3 hours
EDUC2130ExploringLearning&Teaching ............................................ 3 hours
EDUC 3030Exploring-Exceptional Learner ............................................. 3 hours
EDUC3200SecondarySchool Curriculum&Assessment ...................... 3 hours
EDUC3210ClassroomMethods&Management .................................... 3 hours
EDUC4725SecondaryPracticum .......................................................... 2 hours
EDUC4003SecondaryLevel Seminar .....................................................1 hour
EDUC4730SecondaryLevel Internship.................................................. 3 hours
EDUC4731SecondaryLevel Internship.................................................. 3 hours
SCI 4901SecondaryEdScience Instruction............................................ 4 hours
Total DegreeRequirements