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Campus Review
August 28, 2012
about the original mural. He subsequently
uncovered a photograph of the original
and decided to recreate it for exhibit and
educational purposes.
Constitution Week will feature an addi-
tional constitutional event as well; a con-
stitutional debate, “225 years: is it time
for another constitutional convention?”
that will include students from Forest
Park Middle School. The debate will be
held on either Sept. 18 or Sept. 19.
In 2009, Hudachek-Buswell and Matos
were part of a group of women faculty
members at Clayton State in the disci-
plines of science, technology, engineer-
ing, and mathematics who decided to start
an organization for female students called
WiSTEM, an organization that has since
grown into one of Clayton State’s most
notable advocacy groups.
“We saw the need to mentor and encour-
age women in these fields,” said
Hudachek-Buswell at that time. “We have
gathered women faculty from each of
these areas to mentor and cheer Clayton
State University women who have a need
to connect with other women in these dis-
In example and in action, Ride was one of
the foremost role models for the students
Hudachek-Buswell mentors.
“On July 23, 2012 we lost one of our
finest leaders, and explorers,” she says.
“She founded Sally Ride Science™ in
2001 to foster student interest in science,
technology, engineering, and math educa-
tion through innovative classroom materi-
als, programs, and professional develop-
ment. The corporate mission of Sally Ride
Science™ is to make a difference in girls'
lives, and in society's perceptions of their
roles in technical fields.
“Dr. Ride embodied the best of what we
all aspire to be, she will be missed.”
College of Health Dean
Authors Article for Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation
By Erin Fender, University Relations
Dr. Lisa Eichelberger, dean of the College
of Health at Clayton State University, who
also serves as co-lead of the Georgia
Nursing Leadership Coalition, recently
authored an article for the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation (RWJ).
“As I told this
year’s graduating
class at Clayton
State University, I
truly believe this is
the most exciting
time to be a nurse.
One of the reasons
is the release of the
Medicine’s nursing
report and the support for nursing from
the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and
AARP,” said Eichelberger.
Eichelberger in recent months has spoken
with former Surgeon General David
Satcher, MD, PhD, Louis Sullivan, MD,
former secretary of the U. S. Department
of Health and Human Services, and for-
mer Ambassador Andrew Young, BS,
BDiv about IMO’s release discussing the
future of healthcare report.
“I felt such pride in being able to talk to
General Satcher, Secretary Sullivan and
Ambassador Young about the IOM
`Future’ report, which was published by
such a prestigious organization,” said
To read the article in its entirety, please
h t t p : / / b l o g . r w j f . o r g / h uma n c a p i -
This article was published on the RWJ
blog as well as sent to all members of the
Georgia Action Coalition and the Georgia
Nursing Leadership Coalition.
Ride Farewell, cont’d. from p. 8
Consitution Week, cont’d. from p. 1
Clayton State Preparing
For Loch Fest Film Festival
The Clayton State University Division
of Student Affairs has announced its
second film festival.
Loch Fest is an Atlanta student film
festival, created by Clayton State
University, where student and profes-
sional work is showcased. This film
festival will give student films more
exposure in the Atlanta community and
allows professionals to showcase their
work and speak about their views of
film as an art and a business.
This film festival is open to all univer-
sities in the state as well as members of
the community. The submission fee is
free to all Clayton State students. The
submission fee for all faculty and staff
is $5 until Sept. 14, and then $15 from
Sept. 15 to Oct. 19. The deadline to
submit a film is Oct. 19.
This year’s film festival is sponsored
by Clayton State University’s
Department of Campus Life and
Clayton State Television (CSTV). The
is The web-
site has all the information about sub-
mission and accepted formats for
Contact Jennifer DeMond, student
media advisor in Student Affairs, for
more information. By phone: (678)
466-5427 or by email: jenniferde-