Page 23 - Laker Connection Spring 2015
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Keeping pace with PACE
It has certainly been an eventful year in PACE land! Since our official launch in fall of 2014, Partnering Academics and Community Engagement (PACE) has gone from four sections of the University Foundations (CSU 1022) course to eight sections of various Core classes including Intro to General Psychology, Statistics, English Composition and Critical thinking. Students in these classes have:
prepared voters guides
worked with Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in Locust Grove and the Henry County Visitors Bureau
prepared personal health advice for first year students and informational papers for student athletes
and much, much more!
Great things are on the horizon as well, with more than 20 courses in the Fall 2015 schedule that have been PACE-I-fied (we’ve even coined our own word!). We are in the midst of recruiting our first cohort of PACE Mentors to work with those stu- dents and faculty in the fall, and will continue to train additional faculty in the Community Engage- ment Academy (we’re on track to have trained more than 30 faculty representing all of the academic Colleges by the end of this academic year). Be ready to hear more about PACE!
- Dr. Antoinette Miller
Clayton State, Atlanta Tech’s 2+2 Supply Chain Articulation Agreement
Clayton State President Dr. Thomas Hynes and Atlanta Technical College President Dr. Alvetta Peterman Thomas signed a “2+2” Articulation Agreement on Mar. 3. According to Clayton State’s Director of the University’s Center for Supply Chain Management John Mascaritolo, the 2+2 scenario will allow Atlanta Tech students who graduate from the Technical College System of Georgia institution with a two-year A.S. degree in supply chain to transfer directly into the supply chain program in the College of Business at Clayton State for another two years to finish their supply chain bachelor’s degree.
Atlanta Business Chronicle Publisher Ed Baker Featured in College of Business’ Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series
Ed Baker, long-time publisher of the Atlanta Business Chronicle, spoke at Clayton State on Thursday, Mar. 19, as part of the College of Business’ Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Series. Baker has been publisher of Atlanta Business Chronicle (ABC) -- one of the coun- try’s largest business journals with more than 169,000 readers each week – for 28 years. In addition to his local responsibilities, he is Chief Strategic Officer of American City Business Journals, ABC’s parent company. He grew up in Atlanta and is very active in the community. The Atlanta Press Club and Atlanta Advertising Club have both given Baker their Lifetime Achievement Awards. Prior to joining the Chronicle, he was a senior marketing executive, having worked on the launch of The Weather Channel, cellular for Bell- South, and the Kawasaki Jet Ski.
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campus UPDATES

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