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the best methodologies for collection, cataloging, and utilization of new and existing data resources. In addition, Kinney coordinates and assists insti- tutional staff in developing and monitoring the state mandated operational plans at their respec- tive colleges, as well as identifying and monitor- ing the LCTC System performance objectives in accordance with the Board of Regents reported general performance information.
Dawn Gepfer (CER Paralegal Studies, A.S. Marketing ), a resident of Locust Grove, GA, has worked for Turner Broadcasting and Turner Field for more than 20 years. She began with Turner Broadcasting System in 1991 working in real es- tate, sports production and network operations be- fore returning to the real estate division in 1998 to develop and oversee a move management pro- gram. Currently, she is the facility manager for Turner Field and has served in that role since 2006. Her duties include: design services, furni-
ture and finishes installations, construction man- agement and overseeing all contract services re- lated to the upkeep of the property. She and her husband, Rick have one son, Cal, who intends to be a professional baseball player. (Dawn says she will never be able to leave her job until that hap- pens.) She is also the 2012 Alumni Association Distinguished Award Winner from the College of Arts & Sciences.
Raechel Nebergall (B.S. Psychology & Human Services) is a small business owner/partner with Vehiport ( where she prima- rily handles logistics and supply chain.
Lisa Williams (B.I.T. Information Technology), a resident of Riverdale, Ga., is the Clayton State Alumni Association’s 2012 Distinguished Award Winner from the College of Information and Mathematical Sciences. She has more than 15 years of experience in classroom training and is the founder/owner of On-Site Computer Training, LLC, located in Forest Park, GA. Before starting her own company, she held the position of Reser- vations Training Manager in the airline industry where she was responsible for all aspects of com- puter training for more than 500 employees.
Lukeythia Bastardi (B.S.N. Nursing) is the 2012 winner of the Clayton State Alumni Associ-
ation’s Overall Outstanding Alumnus of the Year. After graduating from the University, she has earned both a master’s degree and a doctorate de- gree from Virginia Commonwealth University, the master’s in Nurse Anesthesia in 2010, and the doctorate in 2011 in Nurse Anesthesia Practice. For her doctoral capstone project, she developed an injectable model of the spine demonstrating the movement of local anesthetic in the intrathecal space to be used for teaching, practicing, and planning spinal anesthetics. This invention was featured on the cover of the August 2011 issue of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. The invention is currently under review for a patent. Currently, Bastardi is employed as a nurse anesthetist with the Commonwealth Anes- thesia Associates in Richmond, VA. She provides general, monitored anesthesia care, and spinal and epidural anesthesia care for diagnostic and thera- peutic procedures to patients undergoing surgery and non-surgical interventional procedures requir- ing anesthesia and/or sedation. She and her hus- band, Anthony, have been married for 11 years. They have two children, a six-year old daughter named Zoe and a four-year old son named Anthony.
Sheena Todd (B.B.A. Management) married Trevor Todd in August of 2009, and they wel- comed their first child together, Jackson, in No- vember 2011. Todd is currently working on growing her landscape design business while stay- ing at home with their child.
Gepfer (‘96)
Williams (‘03)
Bastardi (‘06)
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