Page 17 - Laker Connection Spring 2013
P. 17

By Erin Fender
Katrina Swain, a senior psychology major, has an active spirit of volunteerism and a strong sense of community.
She met Sonia Davis, coordinator of Homeless Education Pro- grams for Clayton County Public Schools, during the Clayton State fall 2011 Internship Fair. This is an opportunity hosted by the Department of Career Services at Clayton State for stu- dents to network with employers and on-campus departments who offer internships in a variety of academic areas.
Katrina started serving a three-days-a-week internship with the Homeless Education Department (HED) in January of 2012, helping to organize supplies for homeless students, packing book bags and selecting uniforms and other available supplies requested by school social workers. She also helped with spe- cial projects for students.
“My internship with Sonia and this program has really changed my path. I was focused on obtaining my doctorate and spiritual counseling, but my path has really changed to help the home- less population. I didn’t realize how many homeless had psy- chological issues, and it is an area that I can help. My psychology degree will really help me to tie into their mental needs and well-being,” says Katrina.
For her dedication and hard work, Katrina was awarded a plaque honoring her service to the homeless by Sonia during the fall 2012 semester.
Katrina volunteered at one of the county’s homeless shelters, Calvary Refuge Center, to learn first-hand what happens to families in search of housing. During one of her nights volun- teering, Swain met a family that had contacted HED for assis- tance.
“Having met them at the shelter made their requests for serv- ices at the HED office more personal for me,” Katrina says.
Fittingly for a student focused on making dreams real, Katrina was the initial contact to schools regarding a special project known as “Dreams Do Come True,” the inaugural project for First Baptist Church of Lovejoy, which provided free prom dresses, shoes and accessories to high school juniors and sen-
iors in good standing. More than 20 young ladies from CCPS high schools participated in the project.
Once the project ended, she used pictures taken by Homeless Education Department staff to create a special visual presen- tation showcasing the beautiful young ladies in their prom at- tire.
Katrina also volunteers with the Salvation Army every week to teach a “true love waits” class to middle and high school girls. She prepares food for homeless once a month; she assists with serving the senior citizens community at Phillips Tower in Decatur, Ga., and is an active member of her church, Glen Haven United Methodist.
“I really feel this internship has helped me reach my calling, to help the homeless. At one point in my own life I lost my job and had to move back in with my mom, which classified me as homeless at the time. When I started interning with Sonia, she explained my story would help these parents to understand and relate to me. I have not gone through half of the hardships that some of these parents are going through, but I can help to be an inspiration,” says Katrina.
Amongst many hours of community service, she also serves as the Golden Key Honors Society president at Clayton State. She encouraged the Honors Society to volunteer to serve din- ner for the Calvary Refuge Center last year during the holidays. Ten students assisted as well as Associate Dean for Housing, Residence Life, and Community Standards Jeff Jacobs.
A non-traditional student at Clayton State, Katrina is prepared to make a difference once she earns her degree. She recently added starting a homeless shelter as one of her goals.
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