Page 19 - Laker Connection Spring 2012
P. 19
campus update
It is all about learning and student success. That’s the thrust of Clayton State University’s new strategic plan, a plan that will
guide the Univer- sity to where it wants to go as it leaps forward.
The values of
the strategic plan,
and its mission
statement, were the subject of a pres- entation by Clayton State President Dr. Thomas “Tim” Hynes on the occa- sion of the official launch of the strate- gic plan in October 2011. Hynes listed the key elements of the new mission statement as being: engaged and expe- rience based learning; active and en- riching community service; a rich and complex view of diversity — inclusive of similarity and differences in ages, backgrounds, as well as race an eth- nicity; and a focus on student success — in learning, in careers, in communi- ties and in lives.
While not exactly presenting a “Five Year Plan,” Hynes did have some very specific goals for the Univer- sity for the next five years in conjunction with the strategic plan. These included:
least a 10 percent increase in first to second year retention and six year graduation rates relative to 2010 levels
• The university will be cited na- tionally for applications of tech- nology in various forms to student and faculty learning
Hynes also noted goals to be achieved within the next five years:
• Within five years, each college and school will develop and im- plement innovative study abroad opportunities and ex- change programs for students and faculty that will increase par- ticipation by at least 10 percent
• Within five years, the univer- sity will design programs for all university faculty and staff to enhance cultural competencies
• Within the next five years, cre- ate programs for linking every undergraduate student on one or more occasion with a Clayton State alumnus
• Within five years, create an ex- tensive inventory of successful and sustained partnerships with multiple partners—K-12 sys-
tems in Clayton, Henry , Fayette, Fulton Counties that supports more students to seek and achieve baccalaureate degrees
• Within five years, Clayton State will be a recognized leader in adult learning and degree completion
• Within five years, Clayton State will develop model internship pro- grams to improve the civic life of Clayton, Fayette, Fulton, and Henry Counties
• Within five years, Clayton State will be cited for extensive strategic partnerships with local and global institutions/corporations for en- hanced learning
• Within five years, Clayton State will document and increase mean- ingful research and social learning projects to benefit Clayton, Fayette, Fulton and Henry Counties — is- sues will include educational re- form, civic engagement and leadership, immigration, law en- forcement, transportation, health and health management, economic development, and the environ- ment.
Graduates of every academic program will complete one or more active learning experi- ences before graduation
Every undergraduate student will sign a social contract of re- sponsibility, and all will have an opportunity to sign a contract committing to community service
Programs in every institutional college will be cited nationally for leadership in innovations and success in student learning
Students will demonstrate at
The campus community gathers at the October 2011 Strategic Plan Launch Party.
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