Page 14 - Laker Connection Spring 2012
P. 14
Education has always been impor- tant to Clayton State University Psychol- ogy major Adrianna Gerena, the spring 2011 Chancellor's Academic Recognition Award recipient. Growing up in Stock- ton, Ca., Gerena attended Commodore Stockton Skills School for the majority of her middle school years. It was at Com- modore that Gerena experienced teach- ers that pushed their students to learn the material by making learning fun, a process which kept students engaged. During the second half of Gerena’s eighth grade year, she transferred to Bear Creek Middle School in Fairburn, Ga. Despite changing schools, Gerena maintained her passion for education.
“Education is very important to me,” she says. “We not only learn to walk and talk because someone taught us, but we learn about math, science, and so many other things through edu- cation. It is in this way that I view edu- cation as the passing on of knowledge, whether that knowledge is how to drive a car or operate a forklift; each person must learn to do such a task. Education is everywhere as opportunities to learn are all around us. For me education goes beyond classrooms and textbooks, and I feel that without it there is no telling where the human race would be.”
Gerena’s family made sure to stress the importance of education as well as
being the best professional you could possibly be.
“Growing up, A’s were the goal and ifIcamehomewithaBthatmeantIwas not reaching the goal. Sure a B is better thanaC,DorF,butit’sstillnotanA and so straight A’s were what I strived for,” she says.
Transitioning into high school, Ger- ena realized that many students lost focus, yet she continued to strive for ac- ademic excellence.
“I maintained a good academic standing, keeping in mind that in order to attain my future goal of attending col- lege, I would need to do well in my classes,” she explains. “My senior year of high school brought with it the no- table experience of participating in dual enrollment at Clayton State University. By doing dual enrollment, I was able to get an early start on earning my college credits.”
Gerena’s experience at Clayton State University was rewarding.
“My experience at Clayton State was nothing but positive. I loved all of the professors in my program. They were friendly, easily approachable, and they taught the material in a way that was easy to relate to and simple to re- member,” she says. “The campus has a great atmosphere, so if classes get to be too much, students can sit by the lake.
Looking at the water, the swans, and the geese is a great way to unwind or just wait for your next class to start.”
In her three years at the University, she was on the Dean’s List all six semes- ters; was a HOPE scholar; was a mem- ber of the Clayton State Honors Program, Psi Chi International honor society, and the Golden Key International Honor soci- ety; and was in the Math Club.
Gerena’s future goals have kept her motivated.
“In the future, I want to start my own program that specializes in coun- seling and mentoring females with low self-esteem,” she explains. “I plan to get my doctoral degree. I feel that in order to be successful in a doctoral program I must do the best that I can in my aca- demic career to present myself as a pos- itive applicant. In addition to this, doing well in academics as I work my way up to the doctoral level will prepare me for the rigorous training that lies ahead.”
In describing what makes her suc- cessful, Gerena says, “I am a success be- cause when I was in school I viewed each paper, each test, and each assign- ment as my chance to show the teacher that I can understand the material. I am a success because I set my sight on a goal and have kept striving for that goal regardless of what obstacle was put in my path.”