Page 26 - Laker Connection Fall 2015
P. 26
T“rustee Profiles
The progress made in parTnership wiTh The
developmenT office The lasT few years has been wonderful. we have been able To raise more funds and give more scholarships. i look forward To creaTing new parTner- ships and commiTmenTs for clayTon sTaTe.
Randy Hayes Appointed New Chairman
Randy Hayes
“We have a great board that continues to grow. I am looking forward to leading,” said Hayes.
On June 30, 2015, Tim Crawford, class of 1984, wrapped up his two year term as Clayton State University Foundation Chairman with a very successful term having worked closely with the University. Now the board looks forward to welcoming the leadership of Randy Hayes as new Chairman of the Board of Trustees. He has played a significant role as member of the board since 2003 when he joined the board as way to reach out to a source of higher education for his fel- low residents of Fayette County.
“What I have seen during my tenure on the Board of Trustees is a movement by the members to find ways to in- crease resources and increase commitments for more schol- arships,” said Hayes.
His goal, along with the rest of the Trustees, is to continue outreach in surrounding areas of Metro Atlanta to reach new donors and supporters. “Ultimately our goal is always to support the students,” expressed Hayes.
“The progress made in partnership with the Development Office the last few years has been wonderful. We have been able to raise more funds and give more scholarships. I look forward to creating new partnerships and commitments for Clayton State,” said Hayes.
This year the Clayton State University Foundations wel- comes four new members to the Board of Trustees:
He has served as the Chairman of the Fayette County Devel- opment Authority since 1995. Governor Perdue appointed Randy to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Memorial Advising committee in 2010. He is Co-Chair of the Atlanta Region Workforce Development Board and a Board member of the Georgia Homebuilders Association.
Mike Vigil
Subrahmanya Bhat
“Clayton State University helps the community through edu- cating and developing future leaders. It feels great to be a trustee and a part of this community. It makes me proud to be a community leader, because Clayton and Henry counties have been great to us. It is time for us to give back and serve,” said Dr. Subra Bhat.
Originally from south India, Dr. Bhat along with his wife, Annapurna, currently reside in Jonesboro, Ga. His practice is located in Stockbridge, Ga., and specializes in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, critical care, sleep medicine and pain management. He is part of the Lake Spivey Rotary and this year was selected as one of the Consumers’ Re- search Council of America Top Physicians.
Education is very important to Bhat and his wife who have created multiple endowed scholarships in India as well as establishing a new, modern library at his alma mater high school in Perla.
“I have enjoyed working with the College of Business at Clayton State since 2012. Now, being able to serve the entire University is an even greater honor. I believe that Clayton State is a great institution that provides not only great oppor- tunities and educations for its students, but also serves as a