Page 14 - Laker Connection Fall 2013
P. 14

Assistant Director of Campus Life and Staff Advisor Atawanna Royal of the We Are O.N.E. Interfaith Council (far left) and members of the We Are O.N.E. Interfaith Council
By Samantha Watson
In the midst of religious turmoil in Syria, Israel, and around the world, President Barack Obama recognizes the need for common ground and religious understanding and appreciation. “For over two hundred years Americans of all faith traditions have come together, put their shoulders to the wheel of history, and made this country what it is today,” states Obama. “And I know that as we go forward it’s going to take all of us, Chris- tian and Jew, Hindu and Muslim, believer and non-believer, to meet the challenges of the Twenty First Century.” With this in mind, the President’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge was initiated nationwide.
Clayton State University, as a recognized leader in diversity and inclusion as well as community service, eagerly accepted the President’s Challenge. The Department of Campus Life
has initiated the Interfaith Leadership Ambassador Program (ILAP) and the We Are O.N.E. (Outreaching, Navigating, and Empowering) Interfaith Council as Clayton State’s response to the President’s challenge.
The challenge invites institutions of higher education nation- wide to commit to a year of interfaith and community service programming on campus.
“ILAP has been designed to equip Clayton State students with the skills to engage diverse religious and non-religious identi- ties to build a community of respect and mutually inspiring relationships for the Clayton State community,” remarks Atawanna Royal, assistant director of Campus Life and staff advisor for We Are O.N.E. Interfaith Council.

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