Page 7 - Laker Connection Fall 2012
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school, I believe that a biology degree would best prepare me for the MCAT and medical school. As of right now, I am undecided about what type of physician I want to be, but IdoknowthatIwanttobeadoctorthatis most needed in third world countries.”
Another Clayton State student who has been empowered by his work on and off cam-
pus is Eric Simmons,
Teaching (MAT) grad-
uate student as well as
a graduate of Clayton
State’s undergraduate
English program. He
developed his skills in
a practicum at Morrow
Middle School, learn-
ing the importance of
classroom manage-
ment, lesson plan or-
ganization, and how to connect with students in a meaningful way.
“You need to be able to think quickly on your feet in the event that lesson plans, ac- tivities, or the day in general, does not go as planned,” he says. “In those events, it is im- portant not to become rattled and to calmly transition to an alternative assignment.
“My practicum experience at Clayton State University was a very positive one. I had the ability to work in classroom settings ranging from a seventh grade language arts collaborative classroom to a 10th grade hon- ors English course.”
“Clayton State helps
make my dreams real
by providing the perfect environment that challenges me to strive for success not only as a student, but also as a media professional.
Brian Roberts
featured on the cover
These experiences enabled Simmons (and his MAT fellows) to fully prepare for the challenges he faces in the classroom, explains MAT English Program Coordinator Dr. Ruth Caillouet.
“I want this program to help improve the quality of English education not only in our surrounding counties, but also beyond. I want our graduates to help re-think the way that writing and literature are being taught in America's schools. This is a chance to help change lives by making it possible for future educators to finally get their dream of teach- ing English.”
Dreams come in all shapes and sizes. Brian Roberts, a senior Communication and Media Studies (CMS) major had a dream of a career as a videographer. He started work- ing as a volunteer on television sets, learning how to operate professional video equipment, and soon after started working as a live cam- era operator for high school sports on Geor- gia Public Broadcasting. After two seasons of sports, he was offered an internship at GPB where he currently works as an intern pro- duction assistant and secondary camera op- erator for the local television show Georgia Traveler. During his senior year, Roberts has used his CMS skills as a photog-
rapher and videographer for
a Master of Arts in
FALL 2012 5
“I want this program to help improve the quality of English education not only in our surrounding counties, but also beyond. I want our graduates to help re-think the way that writing and literature are being taught in America's schools. This is a chance to help change lives by making it possible for future educators to finally get their dream of teaching English.
Dr. Ruth Caillouet