Page 13 - Laker Connection Fall 2009
P. 13

largest in the University System and re- mained in that position for many years.
When the State
Department of Edu-
cation released a
study recommend-
ing a technical
school for Clayton
County, the college
promptly applied to
add technical pro-
grams to its curricu-
lum. The proposal
was accepted, a
new division was
created, and a new
technology building
was planned and
built. Later, at the
request of Delta Air
Lines, an aircraft
mechanics pro-
gram was added to
the technical offer-
ings. This addition
required the pur-
chase of property
adjacent to a small
general aviation
airport in southern
Clayton County
and the construc-
tion of a new building
with classrooms, offices and a hanger.
In 1986 the Board of Regents ap- proved the conversion of the junior col- lege to a senior college. This approval came after the college demonstrated the need for some senior programs,
and of course it did not hurt to have Bill Lee and Terrell Starr in leadership roles
in the legislature. Thanks to an excellent, dedicated faculty, outstanding performance be- came the hallmark of the college. In ad- dition, the Lyceum programs, which brought in region- ally and nationally known speakers and performers, was for years the best in the state and one of the best
in the nation.
After conver-
sion to a senior col- lege and the addition of bac- calaureate majors, there were a num- ber of other very significant occur- rences. These in- cluded the addition of intercollegiate athletics, the con- struction of a Con-
tinuing Education building, and notably the construction of Spivey Hall, thanks to the foresight and generosity of Walter and Emilie Spivey. Soon after the completion of these two extraordinary buildings, I retired on Dec. 31, 1993, and then served as in-
terim Chancellor of the University Sys- tem until June 30, 1994.
Dr. Harry S. Downs was Clayton State’s founding president in 1969, serving as the University’s chief exec- utive for 25 years, until his retirement in late 1993, and oversaw the transi- tion from junior college to four-year college.
Lyceum Committee from the 1974 Centurion yearbook
Early 1970s Lyceum events: Then-governor Jimmy Carter (L) and folk singer Andy Thompson (R).
FALL 2009 9
Dr. Harry S. Downs retired on December 31, 1993, but leaving the presidency did not signify ending his involvement with the col- lege. Downs has contin- ued to support Clayton State and is pictured below on November 6, 2008 at the dedication of the Judge Eugene Law- son Amphitheatre and the L. Jerry Eskew Stage.

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