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Campus Review
December 18, 2012
Psychology Major Honored by Clayton County
Public Schools Homeless Education Programs
Clayton State to Host Georgia Psychology
Society’s Eighth Annual Meeting in March
Katrina Swain, a Clayton State University
senior psychology major, was recently
awarded a plaque for her service to the
homeless by Sonia Davis, coordinator of
Homeless Education Programs for
Clayton County Public Schools.
Swain started serving a three-days-a-week
internship with the Homeless Education
Department (HED) in January of 2012,
helping to organize supplies for homeless
students, packing book bags and selecting
uniforms and other available supplies
requested by school social workers. She also
helped with special projects for students.
Swain volunteered at one of the county's
homeless shelters, Calvary Refuge
Center, to learn first-hand what happens
to families in search of housing. During
one of her nights volunteering, Swain met
a family that had contacted HED for assis-
"Having met them at the
shelter made their requests
for services at the HED
office more personal for
me," Swain says.
Fittingly for a student where
dreams are made real, Swain
was the initial contact to
schools regarding a special
project known as “Dreams
Do Come True,” the inaugu-
ral project for First Baptist
Church of Lovejoy which
provided free prom dresses,
shoes and accessories to
high school juniors and sen-
iors in good standing. Swain contacted
counselors at high schools to invite jun-
iors and seniors to participate in the proj-
ect. More than 20 young ladies from
CCPS high schools participated in the
Once the project ended,
Swain used pictures taken
by Homeless Education
Department staff to create a
special visual presentation
showcasing the beautiful
young ladies in their prom
A non-traditional student at
Clayton State, Swain is
prepared to make a differ-
ence once she earns her
degree. She recently added
starting a homeless shelter
as one of her goals.
Clayton State University will be hosting
the Georgia Psychological Society’s
Eighth Annual Meeting on Saturday, Mar.
30, 2013.
The preliminary conference schedule for
Mar. 30 calls for welcome, refreshments
and registration from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., fol-
lowed by a general poster session (9 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m.), and the keynote address.
After lunch will come two additional
poster sessions (from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.),
followed by presentations and symposia.
Registration is $20 for students, $30 for
faculty and professionals, includes yearly
membership in the Georgia Psychological
Society (GPS). Lunch and mid-morning
snacks will be provided at conference.
Register via; Georgia Psychological
Society, c/o Department of Psychology
University, Valdosta, Ga., 31698-0100.
Registrations will be held at the confer-
ence registration desk for pick up and reg-
istrants will receive email confirmation.
After Mar. 20, participants should register
at the conference registration desk
between 8 a.m. and 9:40 a.m.
Faculty, professionals, graduate students
and undergraduate students in psychology
and related fields are invited to submit
papers for possible presentation.
Submissions in basic and applied areas of
psychology, and interdisciplinary topics
will be considered. Possible interdiscipli-
nary topics include psychological factors
in education, nursing, sports, politics, and
management. Presentation proposals (as
250 word abstracts, or full papers) are due
by Tuesday, Mar. 12 to Dr. Charles R.
Talor of Valdosta State University, at
should be in MSWord or RTF format and
must include the following: author
name(s) and affiliation(s), address, email
and phone number of key presenter, name
of faculty mentor (if any), whether sub-
mission should be considered as a Psi Chi
Poster session or Honor Society Poster
For additional details contact Talor, Dr.
Blaine L. Browne at blbrowne@valdos-, or Dr. Steven J. Kohn at GPS sponsors
include: Department of Psychology and
Counseling at Valdosta State University,
Department of Psychology at Georgia
Southern University, Department of
Psychology at Columbus State University,
Department of Psychology at Clayton
State University, and Department of
Katrina Swain