Campus Review
October 8, 2014
Page 26
Psychology Students and Faculty Support Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day with Governor Deal
Successful Internship Changes
Marketing Strategies of Sherwin Williams
by Samantha Watson
Clayton State University’s Applied
Developmental Psychology Graduate
Students and Associate Professor/Applied
Developmental Psychology Coordinator
Dr. Samuel J. Maddox recently had the
opportunity to support Georgia Governor
Nathan Deal’s Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder Awareness Day Proclamation
Maddox and the Clayton State students
met with Deal at the state capitol for a
photo opportunity. In attendance from
Clayton State were Maddox and students
Erin A. Stewart, Taleesa Peck, April
Marie Daniels and Maria Morales-Beale.
“On behalf of Clayton State’s Applied
Developmental Psychology program, I
would like to say we were honored to be a
part of this opportunity and hope that our
participation in this event and our contin-
ued dedication to advocating for youth
will help promote awareness and action
throughout the community,” says
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
(FASD) is an umbrella term describing
the range of effects that can occur in an
individual prenatally-exposed to alcohol.
These effects may include physical, men-
tal behavioral, and/or learning disabilities
with lifelong implications.
From left to right; Peck (wearing a Clayton State Orange top), Daniels, Maddox
and Morales-Beale are on the back row. Stewart is off the right shoulder of the
gentleman holding the framed proclamation.
Marketing major and Clayton State
University senior Andia Hackett changed
the future of Sherwin Williams during her
internship with the company.
“I came up with the name PaintPerks to
entice contractor’s to want to shop with
Sherwin Williams, because they would
get certain perks as a thank you for their
continued business,” explains Hackett.
During her internship, she was asked to
create a plan to increase market share at
the store/district level. Alongside a fellow
intern, Kimberly Wright, she found that
the company wasn’t marketing to contrac-
tors, who are a big segment of potential
profit. PaintPerks is Hackett’s and
Wright’s answer to drive contractor busi-
ness while thanking them for their loyalty.
“Prior to PaintPerks, Sherwin Williams
was not using any frequent buyer pro-
grams,” states Hackett. Hackett and
Wright pitched their ideas to upper man-
agement in a conference where all
Southeast Division interns competed.
Despite the usefulness and the company’s
adoption of the program, they were beat
out by another team who pitched the idea
of creating social media accounts.
Hackett is careful to mention that the
Office of Career Services and Director
Bridgette McDonald, helped her tremen-
dously with getting this internship as well
as aiding her in career coaching.
“Mrs. McDonald has believed in me since
our very first meeting. We have a great
rapport and I am forever grateful to her,”
praises Hackett.
Along with McDonald, Dr. Leon Prieto,
assistant professor of Management, has
been a big supporter of Hackett. She
explains that he immediately pointed out
that the implementation of her program at
Sherwin Williams is a huge accomplish-
ment and that he was very proud of her.
“Having faculty and staff at Clayton State
that are so supportive is a blessing for me.
I hope to continue making them proud in
all that I do after my time at Clayton
comes to a close,” states Hackett.
Long term, Hackett hopes to work in dig-
ital marketing and social media market-