Campus Review
October 8, 2014
Page 20
ular, the Eco Hackathon included an intro-
ductory workshop on app building using
MIT’s App Inventor, thus allowing partic-
ipants to better understand the powerful
computers they hold in their hands and
allow them to construct simple apps.
Boudell later followed that experience by
attending the “Computational Thinking
through Mobile Computing” workshop at
University of Massachusetts-Lowell; a
special event designed for undergraduate
computer science professors and led by
the famed MIT professor Hal Abelson,
creator of many computer science pro-
grams, including MIT’s App Inventor.
“Like many scientists, and academics in
general, I’m pretty inquisitive, and this is
reflected in the diverse areas I explore,”
Boudell explains. “Mobile computing is a
new area I’ve been exploring through app
development for use in education, out-
reach, and research. We carry around
these small yet powerful interactive com-
puters. Changing how we view this tech-
nology and moving beyond apps for
games or restaurant reviews is an exciting
challenge. Challenge accepted.
“I believe it is critical to develop teaching
materials that support faculty as they learn
and implement active learning approaches
in their class rooms. Here is where we
challenge our students, and our students
challenge us, to move beyond the memo-
rization of facts to application and synthe-
sis of content.”
As a riverine plant biologist, Boudell
focuses on improving approaches to
restoring stream environments in the face
of what she refers to as unrelenting urban
stress, and increasingly, stress due to
changing climatic conditions.
“Healthy riverine environments produce
clean water and healthy environments in
which to live,” she notes.
Boudell also says she is grateful for the
new science building currently under con-
struction on the Clayton State campus.
“I can’t wait to see what we, the faculty,
staff, and students, can do with our new
building,” she exclaims.
Meet the 2014 Chancellor’s Service
Excellence Award Nominees
Clayton State University has submitted
seven nominations for the University
System of Georgia’s 2014 Chancellor’s
Service Excellence Awards. The nomi-
nees fall into four categories; Outstanding
Outstanding Process Improvement:
Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency, and
Outstanding Process Improvement:
Increase Service to Students.
In the Outstanding Individual category,
Keokuk Kight, director of the College of
Arts and Sciences’ Advisement Center,
and Elizabeth Taylor, graduate coordina-
tor for the School of Graduate Studies, are
the nominees. Kight was nominated by
Dr. John Campbell, Associate Dean,
College of Arts & Sciences, and Taylor by
the dean of the School of Graduate
Studies Dr. Robert Vaughan.
In the Outstanding Team category, the
nominees are the LakerCard Center and
the Clayton State University Dual
Enrolment Program. The LakerCard
Center was nominated by Director of
Auxiliary Services Norman Grizzell and
the dual enrollment program by Interim
Provost and Vice President for Academic
Affairs Dr. Kevin Demmitt.
For increasing Effectiveness and
Efficiency, Facilities Management Project
Manager Priti Bhatia nominated the
Facilities Advisory Committee for
Campus Space & Physical Plant
Utilization. DeLandra Hunter, director of
the First-Year Advising & Retention
Center, nominated the Redesigning First-
Year Advising to be Intentional program.
Finally, Jessica Hall, assistant manager of The
Loch Shop, nominated her organization’s
Course Materials Price Comparison Tool in
the Increase Service to Students category.
It’s also worth noting that in 2012, when
the Chancellor’s Service Excellence
Awards were held in Clayton State’s
Student Activities Center, Clayton state
won two gold medals. Pat Barton, Clayton
State director of financial aid, won the
gold medal award for Outstanding
Customer Service Leadership Award and
Clayton State’s IT help desk, the HUB,
won the gold medal award for Front Desk
Support Excellence.
Excellence Awards will be held at
Kennesaw State University at 1 p.m. on
Friday, Oct. 10.
The campus gathered to wish Ryan Whitfield, assistant director of Career Services a fond farewell.
Boudell, cont’d. from p. 15