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Campus Review
October 3, 2012
Myisha Garnes Appointed
Director of Annual Fund at
Clayton State University
Clayton State Honored for
2011/2012 State Charitable Contributions
Clayton State University Vice President of
External Relations Kate Troelstra has
announced the appointment of Myisha
Garnes as the University’s first director of
the Annual Fund.
Garnes comes to Clayton State from the
Georgia State University Foundation
Office of Annual Programs, where she
was assistant director, Annual Programs.
“We are excited to have Myisha join our
team,” says Troelstra. “She brings a
wealth of experience in annual giving, a
passion for the profession, and a commit-
ment to higher education.
“Her creativity and experience in messag-
ing to a variety of constituencies will help
Clayton State as we bring all aspects of
our annual fund under one umbrella.”
Indeed, Garnes has an impressive back-
ground in all areas of annual fund includ-
ing online giving, faculty/staff campaigns,
phonathons, and direct mail. A nationally
recognized innovator, she has garnered
Case International Special Merit Awards
for her ability to galvanize public aware-
“I am very excited
about being a part
of the Clayton State
family and equally
inspired by this
rewarding opportu-
nity at an institution
uniquely positioned
as a leader in higher
A graduate of California State University,
Dominguez Hills, in Carson, Calif., and a
resident of College Park, Garnes had
worked for the Georgia State University
Foundation since 2006, starting in the
Telephone Outreach Program and moving
to Annual Programs in 2007 where she
modernized giving through her signature
use of social media.
The annual State Charitable Contributions
Program for 2012 held its kick-off cele-
bration recently at the James J. “Sloppy”
Floyd Veterans Memorial Building in
Atlanta, with Commissioner Sid Johnson
of the Department of Administrative
Services presiding.
As part of the celebration preparatory to
the Oct. 1, 2012 beginning of this year’s
campaign, the 2011/2012 State Charitable
Contributions Award Program Award
Winners were recognized, and Clayton
State University was among the honorees
in the Commissioner’s Award Category
for state agencies and colleges/universi-
ties with 501 to 1000 employees. In all,
only three state agencies in the 501-1000
employee category were honored for their
rate of contribution per employee; the
Prosecuting Attorney’s Council, the
Department of Education, and Clayton
The 2012 State Charitable Contributions
Program at Clayton State was under the
direction of Dean of Libraries Dr. Gordon
mer Drafting and Design Professor Dr.
Tom Eddins, and former Psychology
Professor Dr. Sandra Golden.
“The goal of this project is to create a last-
ing legacy which will be enjoyed by
Clayton State retirees, faculty, staff, and
students for decades to come,” says
Wicker. “In planning this project, we dis-
covered that there are four Master
Gardeners among our members: Helen
Brown, Tom Eddins, Sandy Golden, and
Carol Hatfield.
“The garden will include both host and nectar
plants that attract butterflies at all stages of
development. In addition to native perennials
and annuals, the garden will include a natural
stone spillover fountain, a copper-capped red
cedar trellis, landscape boulders, and wooden
benches. A commemorative bronze plaque,
dedicating the garden to the University on
behalf of the Clayton State Retirees
Association, will be erected in the garden.”
Naturally, to maximize the educational
value for Clayton State students (biology
majors and others) and visitors, markers
identifying each plant will also be placed
in the garden, courtesy of Master
Brown. CSRA will also donate funds
toward purchasing the garden items and
provide assistance in planting and main-
taining the garden.
Jackson served as a history professor at
Clayton State from 1973 to 1990. He was
also coordinator of history and political
science from 1975 to 1978, and chairman
of the division of social sciences from
1978 to 1986. He is currently Jacksonville
State University professor and eminent
scholar in history.
Jackson is the author, co-author, or co-
editor of eleven books on various aspects
of Southern History, including “Georgia:
The Empire State of the South,” which he
co-authored with another retired Clayton
State history professor, Dr. Bradley R.
Rice, in 1988.
Jackson currently lives in Jacksonville,
Ala., with his wife, Suzanne, their son
Will and daughter Anna. His daughter,
Kelly teaches in Peachtree City, Ga.
See the garden’s progress on p. 11.
Garden, cont’d. from p. 1