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Two Chancellor’s Customer Service
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Women’s Forum Auction, Chili . . .8
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Constitutional Experts Expound for Constitution Week
by John Shiffert, University Relations
With Butterflies and Hummingbirds
Clayton State Retirees Association
To Celebrate 10th Anniversary
Campus Review
Vol. 43, No. XV | October 3, 2012
Former governor Roy Barnes greets Clayton State students after the discussion. (Ciji Fox photo)
One of the hallmarks of a Clayton State
University education is providing expert
instruction to the University’s 7000+ stu-
While all 7,145 Clayton State students
couldn’t fit into room 272 of the James M.
Baker University Center on Thursday,
Sept. 20, the 150 or so who did make it in
heard from a pair of constitutional experts
as the highlight of the University’s
Constitution Week celebration. Georgia
Attorney General Samuel S. Olens and
former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes
dedicated an hour of their time for a con-
versation-style discussion, "A Civil
Discussion on Living Constitutionalism."
It is significant to note that one of the
goals at the Clayton State Strategic Plan is
to, “create an outstanding educational
experience that stimulates intellectual
curiosity, critical thinking, and innova-
Fittingly, Olens’ and Barnes’ discussion,
in addition to being exemplary in its civil-
The Clayton State University Retirees
Association (CSRA) is 10 years old in 2012,
and, although the members may be retired
fromClayton State, they’re not so retired that
they don’t know how to celebrate.
The first major event of the 10th
Anniversary Celebration will begin on
Thursday, Sept. 27, with the preparation
Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden, located
between Swan Lake and the James M.
Baker University Center. On Friday, Sept.
Management Department will spend all
day planting the new garden, located
directly across the lake from Spivey Hall.
The official anniversary celebration will
take place on Thursday, Oct. 25 with a
12:30 p.m. luncheon in the Harry S.
Downs Center, with CSRA member Dr.
Harvey “Hardy” Jackson as the speaker.
According to CSRA President Dr. Gene
Hatfield, Jackson will be speaking on
“Clayton State in the old days,” certainly
an appropriate topic for someone who
started at Clayton Junior College as an
associate professor of history in 1973.
The Butterfly/Hummingbird Garden is a
joint effort between CSRA and the
Landscape Management Department,
originated by Dr. Martha Wicker, former
head of Clayton State’s Center for
Instructional Development. Also involved
are Hatfield, his wife, Carol Hatfield, for-
mer Biology Professor Helen Brown, for-
Constitution, cont’d., p. 8
Garden, cont’d., p. 3