Campus Review
August 15, 2014
Page 8
College of Business
Dr. Alphonso Ogbuehi, a native of
Nigeria, and a professor of global market-
ing and strategy in the College of
Business at Clayton State University,
recently had an article on President
Obama’s inaugural U.S.-Africa Leaders
Summit published on the Global Atlanta
website. For the complete article, go to
ht tp: / /www.globa l a t l ant a . com/ ar t i -
Dr. Leon Prieto was invited to serve as a
panelist on a webinar by a prominent
Canadian consulting firm called Mclean
and Company to HR professionals
ment). As a panelist for this one hour
event, he discussed various questions on
the topic of baby boomer engagement
with two other subject matter experts. He
also received recognition on the McLean
& Company webinar Hall of Fame as well
as within the subsequent research report,
and a complimentary copy of the research
once it has been published.
Disability Resource Center
Tameeka Hunter was the recipient of a
monthly Praise & Progress citation from
Information Technology Services at the
Board of Regents. During the ITS' month-
ly meeting, members of the ITS staff have
two minutes to praise someone outside
their unit and to talk about the progress in
their unit. Hunter was praised publicly
during a recent Praise & Progress meeting
for sharing key recommendations from
the Emerging Technology Committee, a
subcommittee of the Regents Advisory
Committee on Disability Services, regard-
ing accessibility technology.
International Education
Dr. Bok-Ryeol Rhyou, deputy consul gener-
al of the Republic of South Korea, visited
Clayton State on Tuesday, July 29 and pro-
vided a wide-ranging overview of her coun-
try’s relations with the state of Georgia as
well as its Northeast Asian neighbors. Her
presentation is being hosted by President Dr.
Thomas J. Hynes, Jr., and the program is
sponsored by the Clayton County Office of
Economic Development.
Across the Campus...
lenge course,” says Interim Director of
Recreation and Wellness Nick Kilburg.
“The teamwork, communication, and task
completion demonstrated by the students
was amazing. Clayton State students are
very fortunate to have a challenging pro-
gram in a fun environment.”
Council strives to find and complete
more. As Clayton State’s one of many
military advocates, Peters, says, “there’s
always one more reason to be proud to be
a Laker.”
Dr. Samuel J. Maddox, associate profes-
sor/Applied Developmental Psychology
coordinator, along with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum activists, graduate students and
faculty from the Applied Developmental
Psychology program, will be meeting
with Governor Nathan Deal for a photo op
at on Wednesday, Aug. 13 as part of a
proclamation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder Awareness Day.
Challenge, cont’d. from p. 7
Veterans Services, cont’d. from p. 7
Clayton State welcomes new Director of Undergraduate Recruitment
and Admissions Stephen Jenkins
Clayton State bids farewell to Director of the Disability Resource
Center Louise Bedrossian