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Campus Review
August 15, 2014
Some Helpful Suggestions for
Fall Semester 2014 Parking on Campus
Welcome to all the freshmen as well as
other new students, faculty and staff, and
welcome back to all who have been off for
the summer.
First the good news, we are anticipating
another record number of students on
campus this fall. And now the not so good
news, finding that prime parking space on
campus will be even more challenging.
As you may know, the ongoing construc-
tion of the Science Building on campus
has impacted some of our campus parking
lots. For those of you who are new to the
campus, and as a reminder to the others, a
large section of the D lot was redesignat-
ed from general parking to faculty/staff
only, and a section of the G lot was simi-
larly redesignated from general parking to
student only parking.
Additionally, a section of spaces was
redesignated within the D lot for disabili-
ty parking. Although these changes did
not increase the actual number of parking
spaces on campus, they have better
accommodated specific groups. Go to
to see the campus construction map.
At the start of each semester, we like to
remind the campus community of the
availability of open parking (i.e. no park-
ing permit required) in the K and L lots
near the tennis courts and the SAC.
Although these lots may not be as conven-
ient to your work space or classroom as
other lots, the likelihood of easily finding
a parking space in the K and L lots is
much greater and less stressful, especially
during peak times of the day, than in clos-
er lots. We encourage everyone to consid-
er routinely parking in the K and L lots,
unless there is a critical need to park clos-
er. It is a short walk from these lots to any
building on main campus.
Our officers patrol the K and L lots fre-
quently to determine the rate of usage and
provide feedback to the administration,
which will assist in the planning for any
additional parking enhancements or
changes that may be needed as the cam-
pus continues to grow. Officers also patrol
other campus parking lots and issue cita-
tions when violations of campus parking
policies are observed.
Chief of Police Bobby Hamil suggests
that everyone review the parking rules
and regulations that are posted on the
Public Safety website. Also, hard copies
can be obtained at our office in Edgewater
Hall. Please adhere to the parking rules
and signage to avoid unnecessary and
unwanted parking fines.
We have a standing campus committee
that meets monthly to review parking
related issues and appeals of campus
parking citations. It is comprised of a
cross section of the campus community,
including faculty, staff and students.
Anyone having suggestions or comments
that they would like to be reviewed by the
committee may submit them to me at any
time for presentation at the next meeting.
Thanks in advance for everyone’s
patience and cooperation in our constant
efforts to ensure a safe and comfortable
workplace and educational institution.
Please see the map at
www. c l a y t o n . e d u / Ma p s / Ma i n -
Gruszka, had just finished his second
Peachtree Road Race.
Missing this year’s photo, but sending
their regrets were Assistant Track/Cross
Country Coach Hugh Toro, Associate
Management & Academic Success Dr.
Mark Daddona, and Joseph Echols from
Recruitment and Admissions. Toro’s
absence was notably felt, since he has run
the last 43 Peachtrees, having only missed
the first two years of the event because he
wasn’t living in Atlanta at the time.
Photo Caption – from left to right: Todd Birchfield (OITS), Dr. Angelyn Hayes, student Toshi Shareef,
Dr. Thomas Hynes, Elise Jones, Bill Gruska, student Kenyette Patrick, Yao Seidu, Sandra Jones.
(Lauren Graves photo)
Race, cont’d.from p. 14