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Campus Review
August 1, 2013
Pat Barton Named GASFAA Treasurer
Catherine Miller Receives F. Gerald Ham
Scholarship from Society of American Archivists
University Director
of Financial Aid Pat
Barton was recently
voted by her col-
Georgia Association
of Student Financial
Aid Administrators
(GASFAA) to serve
as Treasurer for a
two-year term during 2012-2013 and
“Pat’s nomination to the slate of candi-
dates and the ultimate election results
winner is reflective of her leadership qual-
ities and dedication to the development of
professional growth of our members,”
says Cathy Crawley, GASFAA president
and director of Financial Aid &
Scholarship at Georgia College & State
University. “It is with sincere appreciation
on behalf of GASFAA that I would like to
thank Pat for agreeing to accept this posi-
tion on our Executive Board which has
and will continue this year to consume
many hours of her personal time in this
volunteer role.”
GASFAA is a non-profit organization that
was established in the state of Georgia in
1967. The purpose of the organization as
defined in its Bylaws, with guidance out-
lined in its operational Policy &
Procedure manual, is to:
• Promote the professional preparation
and effectiveness of the Association of
Student Financial Aid Administrators
in postsecondary institutions, govern-
mental agencies, foundations, lending
institutions and other who administer
student financial aid programs, and
• Assist these entities in promoting and
developing effective programs perti-
nent to student financial aid, and
• Facilitate communications between
educational institutions and sponsors of
student financial aid funds through an
exchanges of ideas, information, and
experience, and
• Promote such systematic studies,
cooperative experiments, conferences
and other related activities as may be
desirable or required to fulfill the pur-
pose of the Association.
The organization maintains a current five-
year Strategic Plan that is actively used
and referred to in the planning and imple-
mentation of our Association’s activities
to insure that our goals remain parallel
with our purpose and mission of provid-
ing a common ground for financial aid
administrators and others involved in
assisting students in Georgia with financ-
ing their postsecondary education.
The GASFAA Executive Board, consist-
ing of elected officers and committee
chairs appointed by the president, bears
the administrative responsibilities of the
organization while insuring that its mis-
sion to promote the professional develop-
ment of the diverse membership which
consists of more than 600 active members
representing 150 institutions/organiza-
tions is accomplished.
Catherine L. Miller, a graduate student in
the Master of Archival Studies (MAS)
program, is the 2013 recipient of the F.
Gerald Ham Scholarship given by the
Society of American Archivists (SAA).
The award will be presented at a ceremo-
ny during the Council of State Archivists
and SAA Joint Annual Meeting in New
Orleans, Aug. 11 to Aug. 17, 2013.
The award offers $7,500 in financial sup-
port to a graduate student in his or her sec-
ond year of archival studies at a U.S. uni-
versity. Scholarship selection criteria
include the applicant’s past performance
in his or her graduate program in archival
studies as well as faculty members’
assessment of the student’s prospects for
contributing to the archives profession.
A native of Warner Robins, Ga., Miller is
also interning at the National Archives at
Atlanta, which is located immediately
adjacent to the Clayton State campus.
In awarding the scholarship to Miller, the
Award Committee was impressed by the
quality of her writing and the critical
thinking behind it. In her well-reasoned
Memories Are Made,” Miller analyzed
the importance and challenges of archival
appraisal, endorsing this function as the
“heart” of the archival endeavor.
The committee also was impressed with
the remarks from Miller’s references, who
characterized her as creative, intellectual-
ly curious, enthusiastic, and willing to go
beyond the assigned task. One reference
noted that Miller “truly is one of the finest
professionals I have been associated
“Cathy’s work is creative and curious. I
admire her sense of play, and the way she
explores the archival concepts in con-
text,” says Richard Pearce-Moses, direc-
tor of the MAS program.
The award was created in 1998 by SAA
Fellow, past president, and longtime member
F. Gerald Ham and his wife Elsie.
Pat Barton
Catherine Miller