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Campus Review
July 16, 2012
Welcome Week Coming Up, Aug. 13 to Aug. 17
Naming Committee for Buildings at Clayton State – East Named
Welcome Week, to be held from Aug.
13 to Aug. 17 for the upcoming fall
semester, is the perfect opportunity for
students to be introduced to more than
70 student organizations, various
departments, and resources offered
here at Clayton State. Welcome Week
will provide events, programs and
information for students that will
enhance their chances of excelling in
and outside of the classroom and will
make new and returning students’ col-
lege transition and experience memo-
rable and productive.
We would like to offer students pro-
grams in the following areas: academ-
approval, your event or program will
be placed on the Welcome Week
The bi-annual Involvement Fair will
be held on Thursday, Aug. 16, from 11
a.m. to 1:30 p.m., on the Student
Activities Center Green. Please be on the
lookout for participation requests.
ic success; career development and oppor-
tunities; social opportunities; networking
and diversity; student involvement; well-
ness & recreation.
To make Welcome Week an exciting and
well-rounded event, we need your help. If
your administrative area or student organ-
ization would like to offer an event or pro-
gram during the week to introduce your
services or group to the campus commu-
nity submit the following information to
Lakiesa Cantey Rawlinson by Friday July
name, brief description, time/date/loca-
tion, contact person. Upon receipt and
Corlis Cummings, vice president of
Business and Operations, has formed a
committee to recommend possible names
for the recently renovated buildings at
Clayton State – East. The facilities are
presently called the Main Building and
the Multipurpose Building.
The committee’s objective is to suggest
names that would more effectively inte-
grate these spaces with the main campus
and consider names better suited to the
overall purposes of the buildings.
Guidelines in the Clayton State University
Naming Policy and the USG Board of
Regents Naming Policies must be fol-
lowed when proposing building names.
The Main Building is occupied by Human
Resources, ROTC, Strategic Planning and
Continuing Education. Four classrooms
and an auditorium offer space for meet-
ings and instruction. The Loft Café is
temporarily closed but formerly provided
limited food and beverage service for
Clayton State – East.
The Multipurpose Building contains
offices on the third and first floors for the
Vice President of Business & Operations,
AVP/Controller, Budget and Finance,
Procurement Services, Accounting
Management Compliance and Payroll
Services. The second floor is home to the
Vice President of External Relations,
Office of Development, Alumni
Relations, University Relations, and
Image & Communications. The campus
Conflict Resolution/Ombudsperson is
also located here.
Recommendations are anticipated from
the committee by early September.
Committee members are: Kelly Adams,
Harun Biswas, Jim Braun, Dolores Cox,
Kristen Davis, Nicole Harris, Angelyn
Hayes, Rasheen Hunter, Keevia Jackson,
Cindy Lauer, and Rosalind Williams.
Please feel free to contact a committee
member with any renaming suggestions
or comments. The committee welcomes
input from the campus community.