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Campus Review
July 3, 2013
Master of Health Administration Program and
Director Thomas McIlwain Recognized for Excellence
Mascaritolo Interviewed
By Supply Chain Brain
The Clayton State University Master of
Health Administration (MHA) program,
and Program Director Dr. Thomas
McIlwain, have been honored for their
collective and individual accomplish-
ments and excellence., the leading
resource for graduate education, has
included the Clayton State MHA program
on its annual college program rankings
released on June 19, 2013. Described on
the website
encompassing “the best schools and pro-
grams in the nation,” the Clayton State
MHA is one of 41 MHA programs to be
so honored.
describes its listing as being, “a tool for
students to utilize when they are looking
to apply to only the best of the best.”
Overall, the
directory features more than 90,000 pro-
gram listings to allow individuals to deter-
mine which program features are most
important with the goal of identifying pro-
grams that best match personal interests
and career goals. Search results can be fil-
tered by institution size, geographic area,
tuition cost, and school type. While the
of is online mas-
ter degree programs, they acknowledge
that on-campus programs at traditional
brick-and-mortar schools are the best
options for some students.
According to McIlwain, “we are a hybrid;
a partially seated, partially online pro-
At the same time, McIlwain has been
identified by MHA Guide as one of the
nation’s 100 Great Health Administration
Professors (
In a specific fashion to similar to the gen-
M a s t e r s D e g r e e O n l i n e . o r g , provides a free service
to help prospective students identify high-
quality programs in one field – health
administration. Nearly 50,000 students
and professionals visit the site annually to
seek advice on healthcare administration
degree programs and careers. MHAGuide
is an independent
publishing compa-
ny focused on
healthcare adminis-
tration careers and
degrees, and also a
directory of health-
care administration
programs on the
web. In addition to
degree programs,
MHA Guide focus-
es on providing information for future and
current health administration careerists.
“Hopefully this list will help others recog-
nize the impact these professors have on
all of us,” reads “In par-
ticular, these professionals continue to
strengthen students, alumni, and their own
schools. The criteria for our 100 Great
Health Administration Professors and
Leaders was based on the personal
achievements and leadership positions of
these individuals as well as the reputation
of their respective institutions.”
Clayton State University’s John
Mascaritolo, director of Supply Chain
Management in the College of Business,
was recently interviewed by Russell
Goodman, editor-in-chief of the global
professional Trade Journal Supply Chain
Brain. (
In a wide-ranging webcast made during
the professional conference of the
Warehouse Education and Research
Council (WERC) in Dallas, Mascaritolo
spoke to the world’s most comprehensive
information resource for supply chain
news, intelligence, strategy and innova-
tion, about “Moving Towards a Resilient
Supply Chain.”
The interview touched on subjects such as
the global interconnections in the supply
chain field, especially in conjunction with
natural disasters like the Indonesian
tsunami, risk management, being ready
for disasters, and how to manage a
resilient supply chain.
To access Mascaritolo’s interview, go to
interview is video number nine.
The Office of Financial Aid will help
attendees complete the online application
for Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA).
The Registrar’s Office will provide a quick
evaluation of previous college transcripts.
Want to learn how to earn credit by exam?
The Testing Center has the answers. You
can also learn about free tutoring and
other academic support services from the
Center for Academic Success.
Two special student services will also be
available for their insight during “It’s Time
to Finish Your Dream.” Career Services
will help you explore ways to select the
right major and prepare for your career.
Clayton State’s Veterans Resource Center
will also be on-site to provide camaraderie
and support from and for veterans.
Dr. Thomas McIlwain
Degree Completion, cont’d. from p. 1