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Campus Review
June 25, 2012
Spivey Hall Holding Annual
Sacred Harp/Shape-Note Singing School
Kodály Teacher
Training Workshops
At Spivey Hall to
Feature Leading
Expert Dr. Jill Trinka
Clayton State University’s world-
famous Spivey Hall will once again be
making a significant contribution to
music education with its annual Kodály
Teacher Training Workshops, to be held
Monday, July 16 to Friday, July 20, in
Spivey Hall.
The two workshops, one offering an
introduction to Kodály, and the other a
Kodály refresher, will be taught by one
of America's leading Kodály experts
and a top clinician in the field -- Dr. Jill
Trinka. The workshops are designed for
music teachers and college students
who are interested in teaching music
students (and college students get a dis-
The Kodály Concept is a comprehen-
sive, sequential program that integrates
the best ideas, techniques, and
Spivey Hall Announces
2012/2013 Education Series
One of Spivey Hall’s most interesting
annual events is coming up next month.
Although Spivey Hall is best known for
the highest level of musical expertise, the
Sacred Harp/Shape-Note Singing School,
held this year on Friday, July 13 and
Saturday, July 14, is an event that empha-
sizes participation under the instruction of
clinician Nathan Rees.
Singers and history buffs alike will enjoy
this annual event, which will run from 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Sacred Harp
singing, sometimes also called “fa-so-la”
or “shape-note” singing, involves singing
parts without instrumental accompani-
ment. The Sacred Harp repertoire includes
psalms, fugues, odes and anthems by the
first American composers (1770-1810), as
well as folk songs and revival hymns
(1810-1860). This is a free, non-denomi-
national community music event that
emphasizes participation, not expertise.
Participants will learn about Sacred Harp at
a “Singing School” on July 13, and then join
in a large community singing on July 14.
At Friday’s “Singing School” Rees will
instruct beginners and experienced practi-
tioners in the history, tradition, and per-
formance practices of this authentic piece
of Americana. Participants will learn how
to read shape notes and watch a documen-
tary on the tradition of Sacred Harp. On
Saturday, Sacred Harp singers will travel
from throughout the Southeast for the
annual singing and potluck luncheon at
Spivey Hall. Join more than 60 singers in
celebrating this wonderful tradition and
bring a covered dish to share.
Both Friday and Saturday’s events are
free and open to the public, but registering
for Friday’s singing school is required.
The registration deadline is Friday, July
13. Please call (678) 466-4481 to secure
your spot for Friday’s Singing School to
make a joyful noise in one of the coun-
try’s most beautiful concert halls.
The Education Department at Clayton
State University’s Spivey Hall is proud to
announce the 2012-2013 Young People’s
Concert Series.
The Series begins Oct. 10 with a perform-
ance by Via Roman. Incorporating tradi-
tional Romany (Gypsy) music with native
instruments and dance, this dynamic trio
ignites the stage with style and musician-
ship, offering an exciting lesson about
Romany customs and culture.
By popular demand, the 2012-2013 YPC
season features three young people’s operas,
with appearances by the Atlanta Opera
(Stone Soup), Birmingham Children’s
Theatre (The Gingerbread Boy),and Capitol
City Opera (Sid the Serpent).
The season includes performances by sever-
al acclaimed collegiate ensembles, including
the Mercer University Singers and
Orchestra, the Piedmont College Cantabile,
the Ole Miss Concert Singers, the Emory
University Concert Choir, and the Clayton
State University Jazz Ensemble.
For the holidays, the Mercer University
Singer and Orchestra will present AGrand
Mercer Christmas, which will later be
recorded by PBS for national broadcast.
Capitol City Opera Madrigal Singers will
present traditional holiday carols in stun-
ning Renaissance costumes. The Atlanta
Concert Ringers will bring the tradition of
English handbell performance to Spivey
Hall. Notable organist Steve Wooddell
will also give a holiday concert on the
acclaimed Albert Schweitzer Memorial
Pipe Organ.
This season marks the final year of
Project Jupiter, a partnership between
Spivey Hall and the internationally
acclaimed Jupiter String Quartet (JSQ).
Project Jupiter heralds an unprecedented
three-year residency during which the
JSQ has given YPCs and Spivey Series
concerts, mentored local high schools
orchestras, and promoted a sense of com-
munity among young chamber musicians
in Atlanta’s Southern Crescent. The JSQ
will present two YPCs on Mar. 7, 2013, as
well as Spivey Series concerts on Nov. 10,
2012, and Mar. 9, 2013, at 8:15 p.m., with
pre-concert talks at 7:15 p.m.
Arts Page
Series, cont’d., p. 11
Workshops, cont’d., p. 11
Sacred Harp, cont’d., p. 7