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Campus Review
May 7, 2013
computers they hold in their hands and
allow them to construct simple apps.
“The Eco Hackathon was a complete suc-
cess,” says Boudell. “What was stunning
about this Hackathon is that participants
had no experience with MIT App
Inventor, in fact, almost all participants
had no programming experience whatso-
ever. Yet, they produced working apps
which would traditionally take an impres-
sive amount of programming skills to pro-
duce. Hackathon participants created
ecology apps for use in field work and in
education and outreach.”
“Thank you, BetterCloud and George
Tang, for supporting our SEEDS Eco
Hackathon event!”
Boudell is riverine ecologist and a mentor
of Clayton State’s SEEDS chapter for the
past seven years, as well as being a self-
proclaimed tech devotee. For the past 15
years she’s been investigating traditional
and novel approaches to stream restora-
tion, as well as teaching courses in biolo-
gy, ecology and evolution, integrating
math and technology from mathematical
to computer modeling. Boudell has also
participated in numerous outreach activi-
ties to schools and the community.
Clayton State students create art from up-cycled items and participate in activities for Earth Day.
in film and visual media, especially in
Atlanta. Metro Atlanta houses corporate
headquarters for major television net-
works like CNN, Turner, and The Weather
Channel. It also holds long-running annu-
al film festivals, such as, the Atlanta Film
Festival, Peachtree Village International
Film Festival, and Out on Film. Many tel-
evision programs are filmed in the area,
and big-name film studios like Screen
Gems are located here.
Clayton State’s Division of Continuing
Education also offers extended opportuni-
ties as well. Continuing Ed’s Multimedia,
Music and Entertainment Certificate pro-
gram offers Film and TV Audition work-
shops, and Commercial Audition work-
shops. The program also offers a Voice
Over Certificate program, and a
Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents, Oh
My! workshop.
Students gather in the UC before final exams for the spring
Tutoring Blitz coordinated by the Center for Academic Success.
UMass Workshop, cont’d. from p. 4
Eco Hackathon, cont’d. from p. 4
Film, cont’d. from p. 3